~Sappy Daze~ Day 21

my childhood dream

i had not realized that growing fruit was a 
possibility until i laid eyes on a potted orange
tree in my parent’s friend’s house i didn’t know
growing plants indoors was possible either i was 
fascinated that trees could come in my size and a 
tree my size could already be producing fruit whenever 
i was dragged to another one of my parent’s friend’s houses 
i would always look around to see if they also had an orange 
tree or if the first tree i ever saw was just a dream

- Sappy

Capturing Campus: In shades of blue

*Content warning: Vulgar language*

Dick around in shades of blue

Blue jeans trimmed at the ankles

Blueberries buoyed in jam

Oceans I’ve never seen

Lakes like paintings

Searching for Moby Dick

Crayons in cornflower and indigo

Blue raspberry Slurpee for two

My brother’s favorite orchids

Blue bunnies on plush pastures

Late night bubble blowing 

Songs with somber melodies

Twitter when it was ours

Blue jays in the park

Beneath a soft sky

The color of her eyes

I tended to pastures

Jammed ankles that sang

Like indigo weather

With melodies like paintings

I’ve seen before 

Orchids were her eyes

Two parked beneath the sky

Blowing wind

I love your shades

Of blue

aSoSS 49 | Clover

Stay away!

If you’re with the car I’m not gonna ticket it, so I guess you just wanna wait here?

Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 4:00PM, 3/13/2025

a dangerous thought is the deadliest parasite–once a thought is born, there is no way to kill it; you must live with it, nurture it, grapple with the fact that it came from your own conscience. i used to think the act of forgetting would erase these thoughts from existence, like a child who covers his face in hide-and-seek and declares himself the winner. despite everything, i still believe it’s true: when the time comes, my words will be turned into dust, a trajectory parallel to an event horizon. my last breath will be my first on the other side, a complete unknown, a land where flowers bloom crystals and spiders spin sentences into silk.

I will say, frozen peas, eating them frozen, I don’t know what it is but it just makes it taste better.

West Medical Center, 4:00PM. 2/25/2025

what a terrible curse it is to wield logic in the face of love! to fall back on probability, the ifs and the buts, is to live a fearful life. trust the hand of fate and walk through the veil with confidence. the absolutes overrule the ambivalence: you sit there, petals falling–love me, love me not, love me–each one the product of a hundred bad decisions. tell me, who was there at your lowest? the light and the darkness, in that order. when the sun sets do not forget the pull of the moon on the tides, on the stars, on your soul.

You have to come with me to my physics exam tomorrow… you’re luck, you’re very good luck.

Chem Building, 11:00PM, 3/12/2025

a scent later and i am back in your room and watching the cartoons on the television. a breath later and i am watching your chest rise and fall as you sleep–gentle and graceful, the way a lily leans into sunlight–wanting nothing more than to burrow into the crook of your arm. the water does not heat, the window is missing a tile, the stairs creak in their sleep–this is a misfortune that we must endure. the reward? with your lips on mine, you convince me that luck is a zero-sum game.

Capturing Campus: Alternative Transportation

Alternative Transportation 

As a child

colors dissolved

and speckles of magic 


I waited for something

to take me away from here

But nothing did

so I held up a mirror

and imagined I’d fallen in

to a world opposite this one

grass grew from the sky 

clouds like slippers

teary eyed turned upside

anger was to satisfy

a vendetta paid in full

My friend gifted me a book

empty pages and a burn building 

in a chest beating

for a richer life

where pain isn’t pleasure

where people mean what they mean

where I’m far away

but home

yes, home