Preview: What’s Your Story? Good Question

A story of an actor that lets strangers write their stories in anonymous journals and the lives that are recorded inside their pages, this play is supposed to be deep and beautiful; heart warming, wrenching, and wringing all at the same time.

This brand-new production is brought to us by students of the University of Michigan. The stories collected here and the students acting them out are all UM originals. Together they tell us about the issues around campus, including racism, companionship, body image, coming out, love, death, religion, friendship, and so much more.

I can’t wait for this Saturday (the day I’m going), and even though this weekend is really busy when it comes to art events, this was number 1 on my list and got one of the slots that were free. You should definitely come out and support Ann Arbor’s Neutral Zone, who all proceeds are being donated to. Here are the details:



What: What’s Your Story? A Play
When: March 26th and 27th @ 8:00pm, doors open at 7:30pm
Where: Pendelton Room, The Michigan Union
How Much: $5 suggested donation at the door

As always,
This is Danny Fob: Artist and Art Reviewer

Danny Fob

I'm a Junior in LSA majoring in Italian and minoring in Art History. I love writing for art[seen] because it gives me the opportunity to show all of these amazing shows that the University brings to Ann Arbor. We get some world class performers and I would be really bummed if I missed out on anything that I'll never have to opportunity to see again. What you need to know about me? I'm not a writer, an art expert, and I didn't grow up around this much culture. I am a busy student at UofM, so if you are judging me for something, it's okay because I won't have time to respond. I'll just keep seeing shows and you can be jealous!