The theme for this post is do something different.
I’ve spent the majority of this week in pendulum of feeling like I should be doing Halloween activities and justifying why I haven’t been that excited about them. As a result, I’ve decided to take a step back from the habitual production of Halloween, and go see a production instead, and no, it is not the on stage production of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Instead it is a play along the likes of Aronofsky’s Pi, exploring the nature of infinity and connections among narratives. Produced by Complicite Theater Company, the play is experimental in nature, as you can tell by their website.
UMS and The Michigan Theater will be rebroadcasting Complicite’s A Disappearing Number this Sunday October 31 at 2:00 pm. Originally premiering in 2007, the highly regarded play will be broadcasted from the National Theater in London in high-definition. While I have never seen a play broadcasted, usually turned away by the thought of theater being ‘broadcasted,’ I find that maybe this will actually add to the play rather than take away from it.
A Disappearing Number is an exploration of mathematics as well as creativity. It follows relationships across space, time, and cultures; focusing on the unique collaboration between two very different mathematicians in the 1910’s, a Cambridge professor and a young genius from India. While the story is interwoven with the present day experiences of an Indian-American women. The play feautures a tableaux of mathematics across the screen which allows for some beautiful intersections of theater, music, film, and numbers.
“A Disappearing Number” Teaser from Sven Ortel on Vimeo.
Student tickets are available from the UMS website and at the ticket office for $12.00. If you want to take a break from Halloween and see something inspiring, this may be just the ticket.
Who: Complicite Theater Company’s A Disappearing Number
What: Broadcast from National Theater London
When: Sunday, October 31 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Where: Michigan Theater
Why: Break, Boredom, Inspire, Cultivate…
How: $12 worth of halloween candy made payable to UMS
Until then art spooksters,