Sorry for the short notice, but there’s a totally-rad show happening tonight (Friday) in Detroit, and I’d hate for you to miss it!  No Age is playing the Magic Stick, supported by Lucky Dragons.  If you aren’t familiar, No Age is a noise-punk-pop-rock duo from Los Angeles, and they just came out with a new record, called Everything in Between that showcases some of their most accessible material.  I’m not familiar with Lucky Dragons, but a quick Myspace listen revealed some thoughtfully melodic but heavily affected music, that’s, well, pretty hard to describe.  I’d say it reminded me of The Books, but I’m not sure.  Anyway the show is sure to be a riot, and hey – it’s a Friday night, so bring your A-game, okay?

Who: No Age, Lucky Dragons

When: Friday, 11/19/10, doors 8pm

Where: Magic Stick 4120-4140 Woodward Ave in Detroit

D$llars: $12/14 whatever that means ($14 at the door?)