PREVIEW: Word of Mouth StorySLAM


Ever been caught in a headlock by your arch nemesis? Come tell us about it! Join Word of Mouth Stories for our next Story SLAM event

Thursday October 4, 2012//Work Gallery, 306 State Street// Doors at 6:30, stories at 7 pm

Never been to our slams before? Audience members tell five-minute stories from their lives relative to a theme. Judges from the audience rate the stories; the winner takes home the title for the evening, as well as an invitation to the finale event in April. The friendly competition includes appetizers and live music.This month’s theme is COMPETITION. Whether it is a tale of victory or flunking, come share your story at our SLAM.

To get emails about more upcoming events and workshops or to join our planning crew, shoot us an email and check out our FACEBOOK page. For more about our group check out our BLOG and our SOUNDCLOUD where you can hear recordings of past events. And be sure to take a quick listen to this month’s band Our Brother The Native.

Should be a great night, hope to see you there!