REVIEW: Ingrid Michaelson

REVIEW: Ingrid Michaelson
Lovably quirky. Ingrid Michaelson warmed our hearts tonight as she lit up the stage with her shimmering, strong voice. I had some friends who’d seen her previously, and they all said that she is even more amazing than on her recordings. I wasn’t sure how that was possible until tonight. It is her belty, pure voice that comes through live in a way that is inimitable on recording. The best example of the night for me was her performance of the song “Ghost”. On the recording, the lines are of course haunting: “I’m a ghost, haunting these halls, climbing up walls I never knew were there, and I’m lost, broken down the middle of my heart. You make me a ghost.” But when she sat down at the piano this evening and those lyrics just flew out from her – the song conveyed something more desperate and miserable than ever before. It was amazing, and I had chills.

The opening act was Sugar and the Hi-Lows. I hadn’t heard of them before, but my friends and I went halfsies on an album of theirs which we were able to get autographed after the show. They were folksy and adorable, coming from Nashville, Tennessee with spunk and warm accents. Their first song wasn’t that impressive, but once they added some personal stories and displayed more of their repertoire, I was in love. Definitely a great pair to open for Michaelson.

Ingrid Michaelson was so adorable – she would tell cute stories before nearly every number which only made you love her songs even more. It was so fun. I’ll never hear her songs the same way again. Her stories of remembering high school, commuting to work, releasing emotions through music were so relatable everyone laughed and groaned along with her.

Such an outstanding concert – it’s difficult to tell you just how much better she is live than her recording! Guess you’ll just have to experience it for yourself. Surrounded by electronically lit candles and wearing warm fall colors, it was a truly magical evening to watch and listen to Ingrid Michaelson.

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