Preview: The Skin of Our Teeth

Hi Everyone! I know it’s been a really really really really long time, but Danny Fob is back to tell you about the amazing things happening all around campus. Sorry for the hiatus, but I had this crazy horrible busy semester that involved some really epic research and papers. Basically, I had no life and couldn’t even see shows, might as well write about them. Everyone I know had the same experience, so hopefully this one will be way better. It is my last, so let’s hope so.

Anyway, tonight I’m going to The Skin of Our Teeth, a SMTD production. I am looking forward to seeing it. Apparently it is rarely put on or seen, so this should prove to be a rare and wonderful experience full of the adventures of a family as it connects to different periods of history and society. I am seeing it tonight, Friday at 8pm, but if you plan on seeing it, it is also playing Saturday at 8pm in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater and then again on Sunday, February 24th at 2pm. I hope you all come out and see it!

As always,
Danny Fob

Danny Fob

I'm a Junior in LSA majoring in Italian and minoring in Art History. I love writing for art[seen] because it gives me the opportunity to show all of these amazing shows that the University brings to Ann Arbor. We get some world class performers and I would be really bummed if I missed out on anything that I'll never have to opportunity to see again. What you need to know about me? I'm not a writer, an art expert, and I didn't grow up around this much culture. I am a busy student at UofM, so if you are judging me for something, it's okay because I won't have time to respond. I'll just keep seeing shows and you can be jealous!