Preview: The Paths to Rogue Wave

Friday March 22, 8-11pm

New Beat Happening and the Center for Campus Involvement are excited to present Rogue Wave at the Michigan League Ballroom!

Formed by Zach Rogue in 2002, Rogue Wave has a reputation for crafting classic, inward-looking pop songs highlighted with psychedelic guitars, pastoral sound effects and intricate rhythms. Their decade-long career has spanned four albums (Out of the Shadows, Descended Like Vultures, Asleep at Heaven’s Gate and Permalight), and includes their hit song “Lake Michigan.” With a new album coming out later this year, Rogue Wave is back to the performance circuit and sure to bring an electric performance.

For music, check out

Opening up for Rogue Wave are The Paths (formerly Rospoem) – This year’s Battle of the Bands winner! Before opening for Rogue Wave, The Paths are headed to South by Southwest to showcase their unique “indie-ambient rock.”

For music, check out

Tickets on sale now at the Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO)!

Students: $10 (with UMID)
Adult: $15