PREVIEW: Biorhythms Medical Student Dance Show

Biorhythms is an opportunity for graduate students to maintain an interest in the arts and perform on stage. The spring show is one of their two annual shows. Both shows are student-directed, produced, and performed.

  • When: Sunday, January 25th @ 7 PM
  • Where: Lydia Mendelssohn Theater (Michigan League)
  • Cost: $7 at the door (cheap!)

As t hey state on the web site: “This year’s lineup includes: Brazilian, Hip-Hop, classical Indian, Flags, Tahitian, singing, rapping, and Mance!”

What is Mance you ask? I don’t know either but I intend to find out.

Check out the website:


Phillip Wachowiak

I am a graduate student studying physiology. In addition to science, I love to do things with cameras