PREVIEW: Tracy K. Smith Poetry Reading

The Hopwood Underclassmen Award Ceremony will be tomorrow from 3:30-5:30pm.  It is free and open to the public!

Tracy K. Smith, the author of three collections of poetry, The Body’s Question, Duende, and Life on Mars (winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 2012), and a memoir, Ordinary Light (a finalist for the 2015 National Book Award in Nonfiction), will give a reading after the awards have been announced.  She also was the 2014 recipient of the Academy of American Poets Fellowship.  Chancellor Toi Derricotte noted that, “The surfaces of a Tracy K. Smith poem are beautiful and serene, but underneath, there is always a sense of an unknown vastness. Her poems take the risk of inviting us to imagine, as the poet does, what it is to travel in another person’s shoes” (

I’ve never read or heard any of Smith’s work before and am looking forward to doing so tomorrow!


I am a senior majoring in International Studies with a concentration in Comparative Culture and Identity and a minor in Sociocultural Anthropology. I'm an avid coffee and bonfire enthusiast with an interest in the arts.

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