PREVIEW: Dragnet Girl

This Monday the Kuro Japanese film series brings a special treat to the Michigan Theater, a screening of the classic Japanese silent film Dragnet Girl with live narration by a trained Japanese Benshi.  Benshi is a term for the narrators of silent films and foreign films that were vastly popular in Japan in the early days of film.  There are still some practicing Benshi in Japan, like Ichiro Kataoka who will be flying in to Ann Arbor to give this presentation.  This is a truly unique experience that breaths new life and dimension into the film by giving it a live element.

Dragnet Girl will be playing this Monday, March 6th at 7:00 PM at the Michigan Theater.  Student tickets will be 8$ with a valid student ID. It also will be included in the passport to the arts which will give students a free entry!