Opening Ceremony

Friday night millions of people witnessed an event that only happens every four years, the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics.  This year the world wide sport event is being held in Vancouver, Canada and was kicked off by a 3.5 hour performance.  And despite the falling snow seen on the television screen, it all took place indoors.  This is the first time the an opening ceremony has done so.  I’m betting cuz of local weather.  Events on the first day of competing were actually postponed due to bad conditions.

The ceremony started with Canadian snowboarder Johnny Lyal flying through constructions of the Olympic rings that exploded outward with snow and ice.  This was then followed by the tamer display of the Canadian national anthem.  In both English and French, as much of the portion of the program was.

Following this was a large collection of Native Americans on the stage, well the Canadian version anyway, acting as the First Nations of Canada.  Together a large amount of tribesmen as well large statues,  officially welcomed the athletes and spectators to the area.

Next came the second most boring part, the parade of nations.  Led by Greece with Canada bringing up the rear all the competing nations walked across the stage grounds.  It would make things go a lot quicker if just flag bearers were down on the ground and it would be a nice equalizing agent.  Some countries have less than ten athletes competing, and that just looks awkward against the beastlyness of the United States.

The rest of the ceremony was essentially a giant tribute to the host country, but it was very entertaining to watch.  Except for the opening remarks which were so long I was actually able to watch a Simpsons and The Red Green Show episode without missing anything important.

Come the time to light the Olympic touch, the previously unflawed performance had a little hiccup. Of the four supports for the cauldron, only three were able to emerge.  It must have been tough for the torch bearers, having to just stand there and smile, all the while thinking Dang! This thing is heavy.  Hurry up!

But to be honest, I wasn’t that impressed with the entire thing, even with the snowboarders and skiers doing tricks from the ceiling.  Beijing was better.

Your Olympic watching blogger,


PS.  Did you guys know we actually have two UofM students in the Olympics?  They’re figure skaters.


I'm a junior majoring in Communications and going for a minor in Global Media Studies. I love art, watching and creating, and have a really big weakness for chocolate. And German tea, what they have is much better than ours.

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