Album Preview – Speak Now

Hi, my name is Neethi and I have TSS. What is TSS you ask? Well, it stands for Taylor Swift Syndrome. Unfortunately, with the impending release of her third studio album Speak Now, this condition has worsened and I have taken to my blog to find support during these difficult times.

To be more specific, TSS is officially defined (by my friend Sarina) as the delusion that results from listening to TSwizzle’s music. The symptoms of the syndrome include feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside and becoming unreasonably optimistic about love and life. As a self-proclaimed pessimist, I find my status as a victim of TSS to be extremely disturbing.

Though I had hoped that my condition would be temporary and that the poor quality of Speak Now would help ease my troubles, it seems that the exact opposite has occurred. If you thought that the songs on Fearless were insanely catchy, then be ready to have Speak Now on repeat. Here is a breakdown of a few of the songs from the album:
Permanent Marker: Has a Should’ve Said No vibe to it, but this time she’s singing to the dude’s ex instead of being the ex.
Mine: “You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter” – Perfect.
Innocent: So-so song about Kanyegate 09. West’s song (Runaway) was better in my opinion.
Back to December: Allegedly about Tay-Tay’s relationship with Taylor Lautner. Out of all the tracks released thus far, this one leaves a lot to be desired. The verses and the chorus are pretty weak.
Speak Now (aka My guilty pleasure track): Girl tries to stop boy from getting married. They live happily ever after. Cheesy? I think not.

Clearly, I’ll be counting down the minutes till the album is released on October 25th. Will you? Post your thoughts below 🙂


I am a sophomore in LSA (planning on majoring in English with a minor in Women Studies) from out of state (can you guess where?) whose current obsession with the show Modern Family may prevent the successful completion of this term.

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