New Yorker: CATS!

This week I would like to step back from the limelight and allow the spotlight to be directed towards a writer who I recently came across while burning some calories on my friend the elliptical.  I get extremely bored while on the elliptical, but I loath running outside and can hardly sustain a run longer that 10 minuets and 32 seconds, so I cut my loses and take my workouts to an enclosed, sweaty environment with other health conscious folks.

Where is this story going, you wonder?  Don’t worry, Ill get there.  So, I needed to pass the time while riding the elliptical.  My current distractions usually consist of other sweater and sometimes intense exercise companions to counting the tiles on the ceiling (but this one has proven dangerous).  So, I decided to bring along some reading material.  As you all know, if you are following my blog at all, that I am in the midst of reading Harry Potter.  Now, as much as I love Harry, he is not elliptical reading material.  I went to the next best thing, the New Yorker.  The New Yorker is perfect because it is light, bends easily, and includes various topics that sustain my short attention span.

I was flipping through the New Yorker this past week, which ticked off the time better than I thought, when I came across an article that was titled, Where I Live.  The title was not an instant eye catcher, but I noticed the article was only one page long so I decided to have a go.

The beginning paragraphs were mostly descriptive and could have lead to numerous story developments.  However, this story went from talking about her apartment to her love for cats.  I do not want to give too much away, because I think this author’s style of writing works well because of her subtle surprising details.

I will let you know though, that all of you cat lovers out there will definitely find this glued to your fridge upon finishing.

I have attached the link below for you.  I hope you enjoy!!

Sara Olds

University of Michigan Student interested in mobilizing the arts in the community

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