The Poetry Snapshot: Side by Side

We are a fusion of opposites.
The depth of our care is that of an ocean.
My consistent flow of life is sliced
by your ebbs of chaos and energy,
but we find treasure from what washes ashore.

Rattlesnake Hike, Issaquah, Washington

One, two, three.
One, two, three.
You dance to the beat of your mood.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
I run to the pace of my environment.
But we still find harmony in our steps.

You are the golden honey from the morning sun.
And I am the silver reflection of the midnight moon.
We provide night and day on our own,
but at dawn and dusk we paint the sky together.

We are a fusion of opposites.
But I smile,
knowing that we still walk together.
Side by side.

– Happy birthday, Terza



Student studying business and minoring in community action and social change. This is a collection of my poetry and photography to express the experiences and observations of human life and the world around us.

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1 Comment on "The Poetry Snapshot: Side by Side"

4 years 9 months ago

Really beautiful. Makes me miss my sister who I haven’t seen in over a year.