+KHAOS+ Birth I



The period of mass production of robots known as ‘SALV’ has begun in the year 2067 to protect humanity’s extinction from deadly meteorites that continue to destroy the earth, making it inhabitable for life. The unfinished UNIT-03 is the first model that will soon be tested to see if it is suitable to connect with humans.


+Author’s Comment+

Hi all, welcome to the first blog post of my art collection. Drawing robots and science fiction related settings have always been an interest of mine, so this is a very exciting opportunity for me. A new illustration will be published each week that follow the plot from the previous week’s post, indicated by a short description below the image. These images, however, can also be freely interpreted by the readers as well, so let your imaginations flow along!

Art Instagram account: @kats.art.folder


Hi everyone, my name is Katherine Lee and I'm an undergraduate student at STAMPS. Hope you enjoy your stay here now that you've found my illustrations!

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1 Comment on "+KHAOS+ Birth I"

4 years 4 months ago

I love the unearthly green coloring, wondering how SALV protects from meteors though…