OTM #2: Vapid Conversation

Hello, all! Hope you are well and having a great break!

I went to the botanical gardens in Naples with my friend yesterday, and I could not help but satisfy my Pokémon Go addiction despite the breathtaking nature surrounding me. I was charmed to find that the Pokémon appearing in the wild reflected the garden setting, too, resulting in the most vapid and childlike conversation of my life, shown above. Something about it is so joyful to me, though, even if it’s just an iPhone game! It feels good to have something to keep track of and keep up with, and it made my trip to the gardens with my friend all the more hilarious and easygoing. If you have been considering playing, I recommend you start! You can really feel the love put into the game at times, and I find that to be so mundanely admirable. Take it easy and thank you for reading!


Hello, I'm Katelyn Sliwinski! I'm a senior studying communications with a minor in writing, but I previously was studying digital illustration, so I'm happy to be sharing my art with you! I want to use my artwork to appreciate the mundanities of daily life; it's improved my mental health tenfold to just stop and look around once and a while, so I seek to capture that joy and show it to you!

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2 Comments on "OTM #2: Vapid Conversation"

3 years 9 days ago

Once again, really cute art! Glad to see that you’re having fun over break.