We’ve made it to break! Hope you’re all doing well and resting up this week. I’ve been super into the new Pokémon game as of late; I’ve rushed to finish all of my work so that I can do nothing but play all of break. I find solace in living a modestly hermit-esque lifestyle on occasion; it’s definitely not something I like to be proud of, but I have to admit that it feels good to do nothing but play video games all day sometimes. It’s good to allot time for that sort of thing, I think, allowing some true you-time and immersing yourself in something pointless. Whether it’s binging Dance Moms, playing Pokémon, taking a walk or a run, or finding new music, I think that indulging in art (of whatever form and quality) is a great way to recharge. I already was inspired to draw and create because of Pokémon; I was inspired in a way that a child would be. I’m getting urges to design hundreds of Pokémon, to make paper dolls, and various other sorts of childlike crafting urges. I love to keep in touch with that side of myself, the endless creator I was at eight years old, and that’s why I’ve been loving Pokémon so much lately. It reminds me how fun art is. I hope you’re all able to get immersed, inspired, and rested this break! Thanks for reading as always.

OTM #18: Immersion
Hello, I'm Katelyn Sliwinski! I'm a senior studying communications with a minor in writing, but I previously was studying digital illustration, so I'm happy to be sharing my art with you! I want to use my artwork to appreciate the mundanities of daily life; it's improved my mental health tenfold to just stop and look around once and a while, so I seek to capture that joy and show it to you!
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