Chroma #10: Post-Slump Pancakes

This week, I painted an interaction between two friends, possibly the morning after a difficult night. I wanted it to be bittersweet, with the one on the ground clearly going through a rough patch. This turmoil is alleviated by the friend at the forefront, who made pancakes for their friend. I wanted to show a dynamic in which these two friends look out for each other, even if maybe they’re not ready to talk about their problems. I hope everyone has friends who are there to make pancakes for them when they’re in a slump.


hey! i'm dai, a senior majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Art & Design. in my current series, i share weekly diary entries paired with sketches. i hope by doing this series it'll encourage me to journal and write, while also sparking conversations and connecting with others through my experiences. if you want to see some more of my art, my instagram (which i hope i'll try posting on more ;-;) is @gh0st_inthemachine !!

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