A Day In Our Lives #18

Hey guys!

This week I wanted to show you all some artwork I have been working on. I have been using magazines that a friend gave me to cut up and collage. I think collage is a super fun medium. I like poetry and writing as well. A lot of my artwork focuses on feminism or the female experience under the patriarchy. My prompt for this book was the sense of touch. Throughout the book, I highlight the relationship between the male gaze and how it affects female access to physical touch in romantic and other relationships. This book is part of an assignment that required me to write the book and then change the pages around and restart. On the third try, this was the end result. I love how it is coming out and I am really excited to share it with others. The final concept is extremely different than what I had started with, and it was a super fun journey to go on.

See you next week!



Marissa Woods is a fourth-year student at Penny W Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. Second-year writing for Arts, Ink, Marissa is focusing on documenting her fiber arts journey, through Fiber Fridays. Marissa is pursuing a minor in Geology and would like to pursue grad school to eventually become an art professor.

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