The Indian Artist, Final Year: The Art in Our Cells

Science and medicine are forms of art. They are intertwined inexplicably, and oftentimes, it takes a little bit of a sharper eye to see the connections. Each part of biology is beautiful, and if you look deep enough, if you look with the correct magnification, if you look with just the right stain, maybe you too will see that true beauty lies within…

Your immune cells are beautiful like the sun and its flares…

Your heart cells are beautiful like freshly chopped purple cabbage…

Your stem cells are beautiful like wheat fields glistening under the sun…

Your neurons are beautiful like autumn trees or the perfect lightening storm…

Your fat cells are beautiful like freshly picked berries…

Your skin cells are beautiful like the natural formations of the Grand Canyon…

What do you think? Do you see what I see? Are you looking closely enough?





Riya A

My name is Riya and I am currently a Senior at U of M studying Molecular Biology with a double minor in Art & Design and Sociology on the pre-med track. Art has been a huge passion of mine from a very young age and in the final iteration of my column, I look forward to sharing my passions as they connect to my culture, medicine, and art.

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