A Touch of Pink

With finals coming up, and the end of the year, I find myself studying on North Campus’ Pierpont all day. A few days ago, I captured this picture of the sunset on North campus. It’s always nice to go outside for a walk, after having to study all day. The touch of pink splattered throughout the sky, was a a very beautiful sight complimented with the hints of snow on the ground.

The winter season and holidays bring all kinds of festivity, and I am reminded of Christmas music. I even listen to chill Christmas music when studying, and when I captured this picture. Thus, “The Christmas Song” sung by Bublé, is a song I correlate with this picture. In times of stress and finals, listening to Christmas music while admiring the sky, helps me stay calm. Music can change a whole atmosphere, whether it be studying or watching the pink sky.

Hannah Park

Hannah Park is a sophomore economics major with a piano performance minor. Captured Moments is a series in which she shares the intersection between photography and music, where each photo evokes a fresh perspective on the importance of the arts.

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