…at the club, instead of being fifteen dollars for a drink it was twenty dollars, and of course Trisha had to have those!
Sky Harbor International Airport, 8:30AM, 1/6/2025
mark the spot where we buried you, kicking without force, screaming without sound. in my hands, in memoriam–you deserve that dignity, at least–slammed against the earth, stone imprinted against skin, the divot between neck and collarbone which i am intimately familiar with: a cave beneath a waterfall, a cloak of caramel to shield the sweetness. you are not dead to the world, least of all to me, with your stare piercing the back of my eyelids and your smile shining against the moon–
You could go in a vertical line, you could go in circles, my sister just picks a random spot and starts shoveling…
Union + S. University, 11:00AM, 2/20/2025
displacement is a natural order. in three generations there will be nothing left of the world we treasure: one to prime, one to paint, and one to sit and wonder where it all went wrong. nostalgia clings to the heart like cigarette smoke, heavy and unyielding. i will name my youngest after you and pray they carry your soul onward, an electrical current through the family tree. you are quivering from the tension. an impulse, or an impasse? look around, grab my hand, close the gap. look around, whisper a prayer, close your eyes.
Born curious, it’s gotten me into a lot of trouble…
Yeah, that’s what life is all about!
SPCA Thrift, 3:00PM. 3/4/2025
the water is up to my chest, shallow enough to hear my thoughts and deep enough to drown them. your crown is made of sand and the palace has long crumbled–you are on your toes, chin above the current, swept head over heels. the ocean flirts and then consumes, a vicious cycle of birth and rebirth. the blinking dot on the horizon was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a four-leaf clover with a missing petal. the lighthouse is nowhere to be seen.
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