Evolving Emotions: Tarot Reading

The cards that hold

Knowledge I already knew

But couldn’t access


The hands that have seen



And warm gestures


Grazing the cards

Selecting aimlessly


A past


And bottled


A present


And hopeful


A future


But fearsome


Forming a row of formidable cards

They speak and expose


A heartbreak two folds

Too strong

Complications of roads

Too intimidating to choose from


Decisions neglected

Thoughts finely pressed

And set aside for a different morning


Desires to be realized

Dreams to dazzle

And worlds of people to meet


Such an accurate picture

Painted by the person

Sitting before me


Divulging my concerns

Encouraging my pursuits


I heard what I yearned for

Absorbing the words

From across a rickety table


UMMA: Queer Night


Erin Knape is a University of Michigan senior majoring in psychology and minoring in creative writing. Her greatest passion has always been the arts, whether that be writing, painting, or photography. Capturing Campus, a weekly installment of poetry and photography, aims to capture campus life through artistic expression. Dive into Capturing Campus every Sunday!

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