Don’t Go It Alone

There’s a lot of art out there; plays, concerts, gallery showings, cinemas, and even the natural beauty of the Arb.  But as large as the variety of what to see it, there really is only one way to view it; with a friend.  Or preferably more than one so you have help beating up the one person who fails to see the attractiveness of the main character.

While viewing art solo is something I have done on occasion, it just isn’t the same. I want to share the experience of a moving final act or the excitement of an action movie.  Plus having an extra set of eyes can help determine just what that particular painting is supposed to be.  (I’m guessing a pink elephant. What? It’s totally a vase of flowers. On it’s side.)  Art just seems a whole lot more meaningful if the wonder of it is shared, if the adventure of finding that gallery is a joint venture.

Who doesn’t like to share?  I’m always doing so with my own art. I admit I’m fishing for praise and self-worth half the time, but the other half is just so happy at creating something I  have to share!  Who hear hasn’t shared poetry that they’ve written, for that high school English class or other reason, with others?  It enables more people to access the work. And as a self proclaimed budding artist I can’t think of anything more rewarding than knowing someone likes my work enough to share it.

So go out there, part take in something artsy this Thanksgiving weekend and drag someone with you.  It could be your parent, younger sibling, or that friend from high school that you’ve lost touch with but ran into at the grocery store on a last minute panicked ‘My mom needs stuffing!’ run.  Make some memories, share something beautiful, and live a full life.

Your only occasional anti-social blogger,



I'm a junior majoring in Communications and going for a minor in Global Media Studies. I love art, watching and creating, and have a really big weakness for chocolate. And German tea, what they have is much better than ours.

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