I joined the University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society (UMGASS) first semester freshmen year. I had been accepted to the music school 2 weeks before school started, having spent January – August on waitlist harassing the music school almost daily to ensure that I got in, and was determined to prove that I deserved to be a voice major. The logical way to prove this seemed to be landing a lead role first semester freshmen year. I honestly didn’t believe that I could do it, but I researched every music & theater group that the University of Michigan had and auditioned for all of them, hoping that someone wanted to cast me. UMGASS did.

Princess Ida, 2011 Ali Kahn as Princess Ida, Katrina Van Maanen as Lady Psyche, Alexandria Strother as Melissa
Princess Ida, 2011
Ali Kahn as Princess Ida, Katrina Van Maanen as Lady Psyche, Alexandria Strother as Melissa

Looking back, I didn’t deserve the role. I was a freshmen with a meager 2 musical theater cameo roles on my resume, cast as a mezzo soprano (I’m a coloratura soprano) in a show where the other principals were veterans of the society, graduates of music schools or current juniors and seniors within SMTD. But since that first role in Princess Ida, I have performed with the society in numerous shows and outreach events (as a soprano!) and have served on the board as Treasurer and now President.

Iolanthe, 2012 Jon Roselle as Lord Tolloller, Alexandria Strother as Phyllis
Iolanthe, 2012
Jon Roselle as Lord Tolloller, Alexandria Strother as Phyllis

I was recruited to run for board at the end of my freshmen year. Since I am an engineering student as well as music, the current board figured that I would be a good Treasurer since I am very comfortable with math and numbers in general. After my term as Treasurer I decided to run for President and was elected.

This first semester as President has been quite a learning experience for me. Unlike Treasurer, my duties are less about defined deliverables and more about ensuring that everyone produces their deliverables in a timely fashion and fixing any and all problems which pop up throughout the production of the show. My parents often hear about the latest “UMGASS fire” that requires me to drop everything, hop in the car and quickly take care of it, so that rehearsals or the performances continue without the cast or audience members knowing.

Yeomen of the Guard, 2013 Phillip Rhodes as Sir Richard Cholmondely,  Jeremy Williams as Wilfred Shadbolt
Yeomen of the Guard, 2013
Phillip Rhodes as Sir Richard Cholmondely, Jeremy Williams as Wilfred Shadbolt

Tonight is the opening night for UMGASS’ Yeomen of the Guard, and this production has had its share of fires that have needed to be put out. There have been times this semester when I have questioned my decision to run for board, let alone President, since the stress of producing a $15,000 show is tremendous. Yet, seeing the quality of production which is possible because of my efforts in collaboration of the rest of the board, the production staff and the cast, make all of the frantic phone calls and late nights worth it.

Yeomen of the Guard, 2013 Imani Mchunu as Elsie Maynard
Yeomen of the Guard, 2013
Imani Mchunu as Elsie Maynard

So yes, this blog post may be a shameless plug to try and get you to come see UMGASS’ Yeomen of the Guard this weekend (which you really should, it is pretty fantastic). If you do, stop by the Green Room and talk with the cast and crew. UMGASS is a great group of community members and students working together to create professional level productions. From freshmen year, this group has served as second family to me and I am honored to be the President of UMGASS. So come to the show (free for Umich students with a Passport to the Arts), talk to the members and see what UMGASS is all about. It will be worth your while.

Tickets available at the door and online. Yeomen of the Guard is being presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre December 5 – 8.

Yeomen of the Guard, 2013 Thomas Cilluffo as Col. Fairfax, Alexa Wutt as Phoebe Meryll
Yeomen of the Guard, 2013
Thomas Cilluffo as Col. Fairfax, Alexa Wutt as Phoebe Meryll
Yeomen of the Guard, 2013 Amanda O’Toole as Dame Carruthers, Alexa Wutt as Phoebe Meryll
Yeomen of the Guard, 2013
Amanda O’Toole as Dame Carruthers, Alexa Wutt as Phoebe Meryll

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