Imitation is the Greatest Form of Flattery

Has it ever occurred to you that something you may do well (cooking, writing, styling) is being imitated by one of your friends right now? Something you thought to be a silly technique or preference that you’ve adopted, may be an action that has inspired the people around you to change their spaghetti recipe or their hair style. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Some people in this day in age get so worked up over the idea that someone is ripping them off, trying to be like them, and are unoriginal, that they haven’t stopped to realize who would we all be if we didn’t imitate the great ideas of others and bring them into our everyday lives?

I decided to start wearing my hair curly. I switched out all of my products for all-natural sprays, conditioners, shampoos, you name it. I stopped using heat and progressively my curly hair became poofy and healthy. Friends and family members saw this, admired the dedication I had to this one aspect of my life, and…well…imitated it! They asked me what I did to get it this way, what technique did I use, how did I style it, and of course I explained it all, but I was a little taken aback. I thought, “jeez, why is everyone trying to rip off something that I’m doing?” But then after awhile I realized, these people that are asking me for tips on my hair are asking me because they enjoy what I’m doing, they think it works, and they want to be just as adventurous in their life as I seemed to be in mine. I couldn’t help but feel flattered.

Of course there is the fine line between imitation and straight-up stealing. In the creative fields, whether you put your all into a project, a song, a design, seeing it reproduced by someone online or in your community, without giving credit, can be the greatest insult ever. When someone works hard at creating an expressive form of their own art, whether it be a song, poem, or dress, it means something to them that is beyond a silly attempt at creating a similar hairstyle. Inspiration is an uplifting feeling, giving us the ability to think beyond what we’ve been capable of, and utilize the thoughts of others to show us a new path. Be yourself, but also don’t be afraid to be inspired by others and imitate a little. This world is full of splashes of imitation mixed with innovation; you never know what could come of showing a little flattery.

The Art of Dressing for Lukewarm Weather

Is it just me or is attempting to comfortably walk outside with clothes on getting progressively more difficult as the we move into spring? Looking out of the window on a typical week day, the sun is shining, so naturally us Michiganders are entranced by the unnatural brightness that is taking over the campus. We pull off the long pants and winter jackets, and look for items to be worn for warmer weather. Yet, after walking outside for a total of ten steps we realize the wind chill is -50, 90% of the campus is covered in 10 degree shade, and the classrooms that we spend half of the day in are still considerably chilly given the recent warmer climate. What are we to do in order to stay warm, whilst also staying cold? I think that makes sense..

What is the art of dressing for lukewarm weather? Unfortunately I’m not quite sure, but I figure that if we break this down together, going season by season, then contrasting Michigan seasons to those outlines, we might find an efficient way to satisfy our temperature styling mishaps.

Okay, so when we think of spring what comes to mind? Minimizing! That’s one thing. Whether it be downsizing the puffy winter coat, trading in the jeans for a pair of shorts or a flowy skirt, or even going for open-toed shoes, spring is all about stripping away the unnecessary fluff and enjoying the sunny weather. However, another aspect that comes to mind when we think of spring is the frigid winds, and the unexpected days where the temperature will drop 20 degrees just for the heck of it! So what to do, what to do… Maybe some light layering might help! Jackets, scarves, hats, tights, all are able to add some warmth with light layer-able styles that’ll allow us to  survive until reaching the next warm patch of sun.

We pretty much know that in transitional seasons like spring and fall, we have to prepare for the low temps with extra clothes on our bodies, but what about the ups? When you walk outside with a hoodie, jeans, and tennis shoes on, you expect that’ll be enough, but oh no wow the campus is suddenly 90% sun and you’re 100% hot! This, my Arts Inksters, is a problem I surely haven’t found an answer to. I mean you can’t remove everything you’ve worn for the day in the middle of the Diag! My best advice is to bring a backup t-shirt or shorts, even if it is a hassle, you won’t regret you’re reduced body temp while you’re walking around in this lukewarm weather.

Pretty = Worthy?

It has come to my attention that in this world appearance is absolutely everything. If you don’t dress a certain way, wear your hair in an appropriate style, or exude an outer appearance of someone made for this world, then you essentially are not worthy. You aren’t worthy of any time, nor worthy of any conversation, debate, or attention. Am I wrong or am I right? I sincerely would love to know, please leave a comment below. Is it not true that when you go to a restaurant, you don’t want to get a plate of pasta that has sauce splattered all over and sliced tomatoes that are in a pile on the side? You want a plate that is beautifully designed, with sauce filling the center and tomato slices delicately placed on top. Once again, appearance seems to be everything. Now, what about with art?

Do we art appreciators enjoy and buy art because it is pretty, therefore making it worthy? I’d like to think that is not the case. In the creative world, from fashion to film to portraiture and paintings, there are quite a few images or fashions that are applauded simply because of its lack of traditional constructs of beauty. It can be the way a dress has an outlandish shape or a funny interpretation of  a seemingly normal landscape, and somehow it draws us to it, loving it, appreciating it, and purchasing it. Take the image below for example, it’s not something I would normally picture in my head when someone says I’m going to make an image that works with color! Nor does it have the normative constructs of beauty that we are so inclined, in other aspects of life, to deem worthy. But this is a great image, the way in the colors and the lines overlap, covering the person’s face and leaving their hands criss-crossed and exposed, entices me in a way that makes me appreciate this work.

Brian Vu – True False series

My question is, why is it that this socially constructed idea of beauty favored in some aspects of life making it worthy to others, yet when it comes to the creative field, unique interpretations are favored, yet sometimes misunderstood?

A Rant About How Music Makes Me Feel

Gosh, I’ve been so into my emotions lately and releasing/reveling in how I’m feeling and why I am feeling like that, and I just realized something. Whenever I am feeling some twisted, uncomfortable, gurgling, emotionally-stifled way, I will turn on my music and skip song after song until I find something that speaks to me; speaks to exactly how I am feeling. Sometimes the song will be perfect, sometimes it’s just that chorus, or that line, or that beat, that will cut open my repressed emotions and free everything that I’ve been feeling, giving me an opportunity to breath and release. I mean, I think Bob Marley had it all wrong with that music making you feel no pain thing… music makes you feel everything you need to feel and more. It gives you the words and the rhythm to express the anger you feel because you bombed that quiz, or the happiness you feel because the sun is shining after what has seemed like years of snow and coldness. Persian Rugs by Partynextdoor is my go-to song as I restlessly try and sleep but end up needing a calm emotional release from the 496 thoughts that are circling around my head at night. Old school Love Story by Taylor Swift gives me the perfect feeling of romance and love. Que Bailes Conmigo Hoy by Fifth Harmony gives me the push to walk outside not knowing how finicky the Ann Arbor weather will be, but knowing nothing can bring me down. Sanctified by Rick Ross is my Friday song because Friday is the day to feel like a boss. Anything Jhene Aiko motivates me to get out my homework and drink coffee, but for some reason I always end up pushing the homework away until it’s five hours later… My point is, I’ve been going through a dry spell with my music influences, but I think it is finally over! I can finally twirl around or smash my books against the wall as I blast a cathartic song in the background, and feel like it means something again! Sigh, I love music.


On a rainy Sunday afternoon I decided to give you a call.

Brrringgg… Brrringgg…Brrringgg…



Flustered, my insides burst into shingles of confetti,

Wrapping the curly cord around my finger, I was beyond elated

that you finally answered me!

“Yeah, hello Jay it’s Alicia from the train station last week…

remember you gave me those directions to the post office…

the one with the pixie haircut and the winged eyeliner!

Well listen, anyway, I was just calling to say thanks, you know for the help,

you don’t really meet a lot nice people like you these days.

Once I was lost in the deserts of Arizona,

gosh it was hot and my car broke down and not one person would stop and

help me out, it was terrifying really…

but you

you stopped right before you had to get on the 23rd street train you were such a sweetie for it!

My sister, her name’s Laurie you’d love her when you meet her, she always says there’s no good men in the city

and I told her, I said “Laurie, what you need is to get out of your house for more than 30 minutes and then we’ll talk”

HahahAHahaaha am I right Jay?!

Anyway, I just have to repay you, how about a—


“Haha you’ve got my voicemail, gets them every time. Please leave your name and number and I’ll

get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!

After the tone please record your message. Beeeeeeep.”

When Creativity Strikes, Let It In.

Currently I am obsessing over the ways in which I can be creative. My Instagram, for example,  has endured a recent transformation, going from cropped and filtered-down pictures to me wanting more colorful and spacial images. Even my blog has been a focus of visual and audio transformation for me. I’ve added a music tool, a new layout, and have begun being critical of the kinds of images I decide to add to the site. Through my current obsession of transformation with my creative outlets, I’ve begun to realize that my taste is changing as well. No longer am I drawn solely to refined fashion choices or 90’s music artists, but now I’ve begun to drift more towards more flowy styles and new-age music. This has got me wondering, when and why did this change occur?

You always hear that you won’t be the same person that you are right now compared to when you’re 30. Of course you won’t like the same things, but I never knew how sudden the change could occur and, most importantly, how freeing it feels. When it comes to the way I want to decorate my room or style my hair, it feels more like shedding an old skin than forcing myself to be something different. This new found creativity pushes me to expand my reading material, wanting to learn more about the world and the various other creative people out there.

In being open to different creative outlets or possible change, look to expand how you immerse yourself into the world. The weather is getting nicer here in Ann Arbor, and the streets are literally filled with people, artists, and culture that are incredibly eye-opening to the way we see the world. Even in expanding your creative taste, look at the blogs or people that catch your eye and don’t be afraid to say, “that is something I like, and I want to try and achieve my own version.” It’s all about following your gut, as Olivia Pope would say, and opening your mind.

Enjoy the lovely spring that is ahead and stay creative.