A Rant About How Music Makes Me Feel

Gosh, I’ve been so into my emotions lately and releasing/reveling in how I’m feeling and why I am feeling like that, and I just realized something. Whenever I am feeling some twisted, uncomfortable, gurgling, emotionally-stifled way, I will turn on my music and skip song after song until I find something that speaks to me; speaks to exactly how I am feeling. Sometimes the song will be perfect, sometimes it’s just that chorus, or that line, or that beat, that will cut open my repressed emotions and free everything that I’ve been feeling, giving me an opportunity to breath and release. I mean, I think Bob Marley had it all wrong with that music making you feel no pain thing… music makes you feel everything you need to feel and more. It gives you the words and the rhythm to express the anger you feel because you bombed that quiz, or the happiness you feel because the sun is shining after what has seemed like years of snow and coldness. Persian Rugs by Partynextdoor is my go-to song as I restlessly try and sleep but end up needing a calm emotional release from the 496 thoughts that are circling around my head at night. Old school Love Story by Taylor Swift gives me the perfect feeling of romance and love. Que Bailes Conmigo Hoy by Fifth Harmony gives me the push to walk outside not knowing how finicky the Ann Arbor weather will be, but knowing nothing can bring me down. Sanctified by Rick Ross is my Friday song because Friday is the day to feel like a boss. Anything Jhene Aiko motivates me to get out my homework and drink coffee, but for some reason I always end up pushing the homework away until it’s five hours later… My point is, I’ve been going through a dry spell with my music influences, but I think it is finally over! I can finally twirl around or smash my books against the wall as I blast a cathartic song in the background, and feel like it means something again! Sigh, I love music.

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