Democracy by The Lumineers

A bonus track from the III album, the Lumineers presented this uplifting song reflecting what democracy had meant in the US in the past and how it possibly could be again in the coming years.

From the wars against disorder

From the sirens day and night

From the fires of the homeless

From the ashes of the gay

Democracy is coming to the USA

The Lumineers tell us democracy came because of “the wars against disorder, from the fires of the homeless”. That these pressing problems had made the people rise and consequentially, for leaders to act.

The Lumineers describe vividly, the source of frustration:

It’s coming from the sorrow in the street

The holy places where the races meet

And they implore us to go on, to never stop seeking democracy for everyone, despite facing major setbacks such as “reefs of greed” and “squalls of hate” in the chorus:

Sail on, sail on

O mighty ship of state

To the shores of need

Past the reefs of greed

Through the squalls of hate

Sail on, sail on, sail on

In the dramatic bridge with the violin playing in the background, they depict the gray picture they have of the country, the good. And the bad. Despite the USA being “the cradle of the best”, the band still thinks “that the heart has got to open in a fundamental way”.

The cradle of the best, of the worst

It’s here they’ve got the range

And the machinery for change

And it’s here they’ve got the spiritual thirst

It’s here the family’s broken

That the heart has got to open

In a fundamental way

The band also assert their feelings for this country without stating their political inclinations:

I’m sentimental, if you know what I mean

Oh, I love the country, but I can’t stand the scene

And I’m neither left or right, I’m staying home tonight

Getting lost in that hopeless little screen

Overall, the song is a great and pleasantly surprising touch to the album. It was an unexpected song nevertheless it drove the message home. That The Lumineers know that democracy is coming to the US, despite all the terrible things that have happened. The band also declare that they don’t favor a particular political inclination but instead hold to the stubborn hope that things will get better soon.

I hope you find this song eye opening, wistful, and that the song makes you hopeful for America again, too.

I hope you think of this song when the elections loom. And ask yourself, what is it you really want?

Why You Should Try Film Cameras

“Oh well,” I said as I noticed that some shots were completely blacked out because I had accidentally exposed some of the film to the Sun. I didn’t think too much about it and moved on. I gave my best shot and thats enough.

I was excited for more after developing this roll. What more can I learn and do? I thought.

  1. Film slows me down, in a sense that before I even to pick up my camera. I have to think of the shot carefully and meticulously and consider the limitations of my camera. What shutter speed? Hm the aperture? So during fall break when my friends and I headed to Upper Peninsula, I stood out looking into the view of Pictured Rocks, wondering if I truly really wanted this shot.  It made me think twice abt picking up my camera. Most importantly, I just enjoyed being present.

2. Film is also not easily lost. With digital, there are always too many pictures and it’s mostly usually stored in cloud storage or laptops. There is a risk of losing them if the system were to crash or accounts get hacked. My negatives are always with me in physical copy (assuming the lab doesn’t cut your negatives). You can also rescan your films and make something new out of them.

3. Its creative and fun! The various and tedious process of film is what makes it interesting and different. You can double expose your pictures, use different chemicals for processing your negatives (if you’re photographing it in black and white). If you get really into it and take more and more pictures, you can buy a kit and do all the developing yourself.

4. You become a better photographer faster: I’m not sure to what extent this is true since I have yet to see it reflected in my digital photos but two of my friends who have had film cameras for awhile remarked this to me. They claim that they take better digital photos now after using film cameras for awhile.

5. You don’t necessarily need batteries. Depending on the camera model, some can be used without batteries depending on whether you can judge the lighting conditions and adjust the aperture and shutter speed to suit the shot. This requires a lot of skill but it’s possible!

6. You enjoy moments better, when you’re not always thinking abt ooh how pretty I must capture this! You live in the moment, not in the future reminiscent you who says awh hey remember the good times when I went here?


(taken using Pentax K1000/ Kodak colorplus; developed in Camera Mall, Ann Arbor)

break from AA

In the past summer, I traveled to two cities, New York city and Seattle. In Seattle, I was prompted to write this poem, finally understanding that I needed a break from being in Ann Arbor to appreciate it (I worked a part time job in Ann Arbor). Seattle was nothing short of great and the University of Washington provided that nice balance of living near a city and living near nature simultaneously. The mountains in the distance were beautiful and breathtaking.

I loved being in both cities. The experience was new, exciting and it always made me wonder in an alternate universe what would have happened had I gone to college near a city (I seriously think I’d be distracted by going out every weekend).

Regardless, at the end of every vacation I took, after exploring the nooks and crannies of each city, I pined for Ann Arbor and really missed it. And I realized all along, that I loved this town.

Fall Break is coming so go home. Spend time with friends and family. And let yourself miss Ann Arbor.

House shows

Watching house shows, from Fixer Upper to Selling NYC, are always a great watch for me. I usually like to watch the process of buying a house rather than fixing up a house, since the couples/family usually have to prioritize what features of a home that they would like in their newest buy. You also get to compare houses and if you’re like me, you’re always hoping that they choose the house you like. 

After watching many of these shows, I start to notice more features that I wouldn’t normally notice in a house. Features such as popcorn ceiling, Jack-and-Jill bathrooms, baseboards and skylights are new terms I learnt whilst watching these shows. Even my youngest sister once pointed out whilst we were driving near the neighborhood that one of the houses had “character”.

Some of the shows feature tiny houses, such as the show Tiny House, Big Living. They typically showcase a house which is sort of like a trailer, it can be hooked up to a car and moved around. These houses would have a kitchen, bathroom and bed, all at an average size of 180 square feet. Some of these houses feature a composting toilet, a type of toilet I know exists in the Dana building but have yet to set foot in it. Besides that, I find it fascinating that people elect to live in a small space, acknowledging that most of their time will be spent outdoors anyway. Another perk of living in a tiny house is that you won’t be tied to a hefty mortgage in the years to come as they cost anywhere between $10,000-$180,000, a whole lot less than what typical houses cost.

In the future, I hope watching these house shows help me decide what kind of house I would want when buying one. A lesson I learnt from watching these shows is: location, location, location!

(Image credits: Google Images)

III: The Lumineers

III is the Lumineers third album that just released on Friday September 13th, 2019. This album has an interesting bit to it, in that it has 3 chapters detailing the lives of three people who are related to each other. Each chapter is released separately, building up to the final chapter. Ten music videos are also released over the span of April – September, one by one.

The first chapter is about Gloria Sparks, a mother who is an alcoholic and makes many regrettable decisions. She is also unfit to care for her son, Jimmy Sparks.

The second chapter is about Junior Sparks, Gloria’s grandson who is cared for by Jimmy Sparks, Gloria’s son. His mother leaves him as a child for Denver, as the song Left for Denver entails.

The third chapter paints the story of Jimmy Sparks, Junior’s father and Gloria’s son. His wife left him with Junior when Junior was a baby and he struggles to get by. He accumulates piles of debt from gambling and from trying to raise his son. He is also an alcoholic, just like his mother.

I really like III album because it not only asks you to listen to it but to also feel something from start to finish. III is also a cinematic movie(if you watch all the music videos together) and it depicts three generations of Sparks’ family and the crippling effects of addiction. In part 3/10 of the music videos, Gloria is seen carrying her husband to her car to get help as he is injured. She then runs away when the police arrives on the scene when they crash into a truck. Later in part 10/10 of the music videos, Junior Sparks is seen doing the same. He carries his dad into the car as he is injured. He also runs away when the cops turn up.

It makes you wonder, will he continue the cycle Gloria started? Will he too become an alcoholic?

The music videos are also an experience of its own. They were actually really good that the compilation of the videos made it to TIFF(Toronto International Film Festival).

So what are you waiting for? Go and watch them!

The Case For Packing

Three pairs of socks, two pairs of pants. Easy. The real dilemma are the scarves and tops. 

Here, my existential crisis and questioning of beliefs begin (or at least it did whilst I was packing). What do I want to look like when I travel? Do I want to plan my outfits to look cute/pretty? Do I want to stick to my usual outfits? Why aren’t all my clothes prayer-friendly? Prayer friendly clothes are supposed to be full sleeves, no sheer clothes and are long enough to cover everything except your face, hands and depending on a Muslim woman’s personal beliefs, feet.

I interrogate myself in these moments. Firstly, who am I wearing nice clothes for? To please people or to please God? And secondly why can’t all my clothes be prayer-friendly without requiring another cardigan, under sleeves or extra garments in general? I have to pack scarves on top of that too.

Mostly I am furious that I have to bring more clothes. If I were a guy, I would have not needed to bring so many of them.

These are struggles I still have to come to terms with as a Muslim woman wearing a scarf. I remind myself that I chose to put this scarf on. And because I chose this, I have to be okay with the other things that come along with it. I still whine and whinge especially in 80 degree summers but above all, I still want to stay true to my faith.

When I find my faith wavering, I remember these verses;

“By the morning brightness and by the night when it grows still,

your Lord has not forsaken you[Prophet],

nor does He hate you,

and the future will be better for you than the past;

your Lord is sure to give you [so much] that you will be well pleased.” (Quran 93:1-6). 

And it brings me comfort.


(Picture: Google Images)