I’ve always supported the idea of humor as an art. Even more so when that art has a point. What a commentary on our country’s current political and social climate that quote on quote fake news sources such as Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show,” and Stephen Colbert’s “The Colbert Report” are actually offering up more accurate and intelligent sources of news than most of the cable networks are. Recently, John Oliver has joined the humor news world with his own show on HBO, a network that allows him a bit more freedom to critique and criticize the overall failures and incompetencies of our government. I want to share two segments of John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight,” both of which provide sharp, nuanced looks into two problems that are rarely viewed in changing ways. The first regards the country’s mass incarceration system, a problem– as you know if you’ve read Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow”– that is so heinous and out of control it has both liberal democrats and conservative republicans scrambling together to find a solution. John Oliver hits all of the important facts in just over 15 minutes, all the while capturing the scope and enormity of the problem while also making hilarious jokes. This is a hard thing to do!! But perhaps, he figures, one way to get people to finally start paying attention to this problem is to make them laugh. Well, here you are:
The next segment is much shorter, but provides a hilarious situation in which John Oliver, frustrated by the lack of visible representation in many aired debates on climate change, brings in 97 climate change scientists to argue against 3 climate change skeptics, so as better to match the actual representation of the ratio between believers and non-believers. The way he builds up to this moment is also extremely funny and, again, provides a new perspective on the issue. Instead of asking Americans whether or not they believe in climate change, he argues, polls should test whether or not Americans are wrong about something that is certainly happening. One more to enjoy here!