Books and Beats

I hate studying. I realize that this is a completely obvious statement, but it is true. I truly hate reading textbooks and writing analytical essays about the deeper meanings found in the “classics.” Honestly, I would much rather run a marathon than sit down and decipher my orgo textbook (anyone who knows me knows the severity of this statement… let’s just say I run like Forest Gump with leg braces).  But alas, the worth of a 50,000 dollar education would never be realized if I spent all day watching the Tyra show (yep- I’m THAT classy). So we all struggle. We spend hours in the UGLi trying to cram a semester worth of information into our brains before finals. We sit in the hallowed halls of the Law Library trying to churn out the greatest essay ever written. We procrastinate. (To be fair though would you rather go out on a Thursday or stay in memorizing verb tenses… yeah that’s what I thought). I guess what gets me about studying is the silence. The silence makes me fall asleep and I tend to get distracted and almost anxious by the lack of noise (I went to a high school without any walls… Quiet rooms freak me out!). Maybe, it’s just me, but I need music to help me focus .  However, not any type of music will work. Each task requires its own soundtrack, its own musical vibe. Thus, for this post I have decided to focus on the ever important task of reading (specifically science textbooks since I am premed!). The key to listening to music while reading is to not have songs on your playlist that will cause any sort of intense reaction. This includes songs like Single Ladies by Beyonce, Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z, or my personal favorite, September by Earth, Wind, and Fire. Instead of studying, songs like these will create a very strong urge to get up on top of a desk and start shaking “ya grove thing” (that’s right, I said it). What you really need is quite background music that provides a foundation upon which you can carry out your academic tasks. The music should enhance your studying, not detract from it. So readers, as an early turkey day/black Friday gift I have compiled a list of songs that have recently helped me get through the woes of studying. Here they are:

~ So Natural by Toby Lightman
~ Rowing Song by Patty Griffin
~ Stoppin the Love by KT Tunstall
~ Summer by India Arie
~ Million Faces by Paolo Nutini
~ Use Somebody (Cover) by Pixie Lott
~ Read My Mind (Like Rebel Diamonds Remix) by The Killers
~ Turn and Turn Again by All Thieves
~ Ruins by Jones is George
~ Tell Him by Lauryn Hill
~ When The World Ends by The Bittersweets
~ Please Don’t Stop the Rain by James Morrison
~ Make You Feel My Love by Adele

Take a moment to check this stuff out and let me know what you think. Hopefully these will help make studying a little more painless 🙂 Have a great week everyone!

Star Ship

I admit it, I’ve found TV love.

Every time I hush my roomies up to hear the music and at times sing along they just roll their eyes and give those little knowing smiles that say “Okay Jenny, but just cuz we love you so much.”

I guess it would be understandable if I’m halting their conversions to hear the theme song for a good show, but it’s actually something that is…well not as accepted as a TV love.

I have a thing for car commercials.  To get more specific, Lincoln car commercials.  With the Cadillac as second place.  I am so far gone I have not only downloaded the songs used in these 30 second shorts, but seeing as it is only one band who does the music for Lincoln I snagged all the songs done by them that I could.

I really am hopeless.

But there really is something beautiful and wondrous about those Lincoln commercials. I blame it on the fact that the cars are linked with something I have a fascination with, space.  The cars are all displayed as space ships; a silver vehicle against a backdrop of stars and song lyrics talking about lift over.  And after that incredible “Sexy Trek” movie that came out this summer who wouldn’t want to not only ride in, but control a space ship?

I guess the real artistic beauty here is the success of the ads for making us love them, if not the product (I come from a Ford family). I can’t think of anyone who cannot think of an ad they enjoy, whether it be the Mac ads or a billboard for McDonald’s reading “Our curfew is later than yours”.  And fess up, I know you only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.

But very rarely are ads seen as an art form.  Granted, they certainly are not hung up in art galleries but you can find them in museums.  They are snapshots into the past cultures of America, from Rosie the Riveter to 80’s hair products.  Most ad designers actually have a degree from some type of art program, most likely Graphic Design.  Lots of work gets put in them and just like paintings or film they tell a story and make you feel a certain way, even if it is just that you now really want a Coke.

So while they don’t capture the beauty of nature or the essence of being human, ads do have a grasp on capitalism and the consumer culture that is a very big part of our lives.  And isn’t art supposed to be something we can relate to for it to have meaning?

Your desperately wanting a star ship blogger,


“I’m gonna shove that camera up your ass!”

“I swear, if you take one more picture, I’m going to shove that camera up your ass.”

Umm…excuse me? Sitting in the sixth row of the symphony concert, my friend looked back in astonishment as a middle-aged woman leaned forward in her seat to curse her out as she held up her camera to take another photograph of the soloist, our close friend. My friend merely stared at her, turned forward and took another picture, completely ignoring her rude remark. Then throughout the remainder of the piece, she proceeded to take more pictures, not merely to make a point, but to support our friend, whose performance was on a near professional level and who had worked so hard for many months to come to this point and desired that we document this momentous occasion in her musical career.

Apart from the evident fact that the woman’s incredibly déclassé comment was over the line, it als brings up an interesting point about our current society and this impulse for documentation. Who does this desire to constantly capture the moments of our lives serve? It seems like the obvious answer is ourselves. As humans, we always have this desire to preserve our memories, to continually think back and clearly visualize the good times past, and of course the easiest way to carry this out is to take a photograph.

While this endeavor is often a personal one, it is also true that occasionally, it can be irritating to others. This incident at the concert notwithstanding (especially since it was so uncalled for), another instance comes to mind where incessant photographing became more irritating than endearing. At a School of Public Health event featuring the fashion designer, Kenneth Cole, one woman sitting in front of me tried several times to capture a perfect, non-blurry photo of the designer using flash. Seeing the white glare on his face for about the next 5 to 10 minutes quickly became incredibly annoying and it peeved me that the woman seemed more intent on taking her pictures of this famous figure than actually listening to what he had to say about corporate social responsibility.

To a certain extent, there is nothing wrong at all with wanting to capture the important moments in our lives, and I would certainly encourage the preservation of our good times. But it is very possible that in our great desire to constantly document the events that pass in our lives, we end up becoming removed from the event itself, that in being the one who takes the pictures, we become someone who isn’t completely engaged in the moment and able to enjoy it. We become so focused on just taking pictures that we sometimes miss the emotions and the subtleties taking place within the moment.

I confess that the lady actually yelled at me, not my friend. And I won’t deny that I am oftentimes that girl who loves to take pictures of events. I just really like to see the reactions and expressions on people’s faces as they are confronted with the joys, sorrows, surprises, happiness in their lives; to show them and others the instant responses that overwhelm them and that they would not otherwise be able to see. Yet, I also do realize when to stop and merely drink in the moment with my eyes and not just my camera. I know when to disengage my eye from the viewfinder and put my heart into the minutes passing in the blink of an eye, rather than the blink of the shutter. That evening of the concert, I honestly do feel that the woman’s remark was unwarranted and extremely impolite, however, I am willing to consider her point of view, where perhaps she is the type who doesn’t like pictures to be taken at classical concerts. And having been that woman where I have been annoyed by picture-takers, I can understand where she is coming from. But I do wish that she had been nicer. And I do wish that more people would realize that as much as documenting a moment is important and incredibly meaningful to each individual, so is the enjoyment of a single moment that ends as soon as it begins. And vice versa.


Gabby Park occasionally likes to listen to classical music and most often loves to take photograph the events taking place in her life.

On the subject of decay

by Jason de Caires Taylor
by Jason de Caires Taylor

An underwater sculpture park by Jason de Caires Taylor has gained international recognition for his unique work. His sculptures highlight ecological processes whilst exploring the intricate relationships between modern art and the environment. The cement finish and chemical composition actively promotes the colonisation of coral and marine life.

Imagine creating something with every intention of ensuring its decay. To shed itself of its synthetic, immaculate character in exchange for erosion and gentle oxidations; to meld itself with nature. Growth in decomposition. Therein lies the art.

This notion of disintegration, of systematically, plucking off atom by atom an initially seamlessly structured entity to its naked constituent bones… well, it’s just strangely alluring. Not only does this motif permeate visual art, but it emerges in the realm of literature; I recall a passage from Don Delillo’s White Noise:

Albert Speer wanted to build structures that would decay gloriously, impressively, like Roman ruins. No rusty hulks or gnarled steel slums. He knew that Hitler would be favor anything that might astonish posterity. He did a drawing of a Reich structure that was to be built of special materials, allowing it to crumble romantically — a drawing of fallen walls, half-columns furled in wisteria. The ruin is built into the creation.

Where does this rather counter-intuitive trend spawn from? After all – why not glorify aesthetic perfection and produce architectural marvels that rise and stand, frozen in that moment of time encapsulating their birth? Why not conceive of a world (since art can move beyond reality) where time is construed as some tangible density, acting as a preservative rather than an agent of fermentation and chemical decay? As audiences to art, we seek to find beauty in what is presented before us. We want to be stirred. As humans, it inherent for us to yearn poignancy.

In the commercialistic modern world we inhabit, the visually sleek, the sublimely crafted is marketed towards us – or rather fired towards us with an alarming mathematically accuracy to pierce maximum desire into our hearts. Boxes of technological phenomena, tubes and glass bottles of resplendent hues, and exquisite scents to mask our natural human features and processes, are marketed widely and are appreciated by the masses. There is some portion of us that delights in the idealized – that perfect, unspoiled form, that sheen of the new.

And yet, we are self-loathing because in those moments when the rapidity of life slightly loses its vigor and pace, the fruitlessness of our pursuit becomes painfully apparent.

Taylor and Speer embrace the timely decay of the natural and artificial; theirs are a much more realistic portrayal of the universe we inhabit. But why is deterioration so beautiful? A crooked frame of a bird sprawled on the pavement elicits an initial feeling of discomfort and an instinct to shrink away, yet for me (and perhaps for you, too), I’m unable to will my gaze away from this spectacle.

Perhaps it represents us. It is catching Time in the act of doing its business. In its terrifying inexplicability, we find something beautiful and feel a quiet, involuntary tremble between our ribs reminding us that we are alive. The ephemeral nature of existence gives weight and meaning to life; the very mortality of things and their sheer vulnerability brings forth the worth of every object, for objects innately, without the presence of a human to perceive it, do not possess ‘worth’. Artists then, are rightfully so to be engrossed with the subject of decay. As Ray Carney puts it:

Art is not about making gorgeous images, but about revealing things that matter. Don’t confuse beauty and prettiness. Real beauty is not pretty. It is scary or disorienting, because it threatens everything we think we know.

And thus, I end on an excellent and utterly enthralling articulation by Mr. Carney (from The Path of the Artist) and leave you to better surmise, or simply mull over the reasoning behind what makes this rather dreadful steady deterioration so ineffably enchanting.

Sue majors in Neuroscience & English and tends to lurk in bookstores.

Studying Hot Spots

Where are the best places to study on campus?

This is a message both for students and members of the community alike about where to study and or hang out on campus.  Students can avoid the boisterous lunges of babies, while community members can escape the sea of 20 something’s filling up every table with papers, computers and coffee.  After two and a half years of going to school on this campus, I label myself a connoisseur of ‘fine studying locations.’

Brainstorming ideas for this weeks writing, the novel idea of writing about an environment where I spend most of my out of class hours would be a great topic for discussion.  Every student on this campus has their special spot where they go to get the juices flowing.  Whether it’s a little nook in the Ugli or smoking a hookah while studying (still not sure how that works) at Rendez-vous, every square foot of this campus is crawling with one student or another just trying to get work done.

Let’s split up the areas on campus conducive for studying into four regions: South U., State St., Main St., and Kerrytown.

The South University area comprises of Starbucks, Rendez-vous, Espresso Royal, Amer’s, the Shapiro Undergraduate Library, the Hatcher Graduate Library, Clements Library, and the Fine Arts library (which is a lovely kept secret).  Here you have two distinct categories, library vs. coffee shop.  The Ugli is indeed ugly, with limited seating, barren walls, and few windows.  Not a conducive learning environment.  The Graduate Library is intense, filled with ornate walls and ceilings, not to mention the numerous grad students working on dissertations and other lofty assignments that turn our 5 page papers to shame.  Personally, I have never been in the Clements library, but I hear it is petite and wonderful.  You should check it out; it probably will be empty, thus quiet.  That is if you like to study in silence.  Another hidden treasure is the Fine Arts Library.  The one level library seems to date back to the 70’s, providing a retro new world.

There are those who like to study in libraries and equally those who are partial to coffee shops.  Some dabble in both I am sure.  If you don’t mind listening to groovy music and others conversations, then Espresso Royal and Starbucks are perfect for you.  Those of you who smoke out there, and hate leaving your work for five minutes (don’t we all) for a cig break, then Rendez-vous is your safe haven.  Lastly for those others who enjoy excellent food and a quieter environment, you may want to try Amer’s.  In the wintertime they have a fire burning, which is quite lovely and also mesmerizing.

Moving SE onto the next quadrant, we come across the State St. wonders.  This area is comprised of solely coffee shops for studying purposes.  I will begin rattling off the list.  There is another Espresso Royal, and yet another Starbucks and Amer’s, and a Boarders.  With the exclusion of Starbucks, all of these places have great vibes (sorry Starbucks lovers).  The Espresso Royal is much quieter than the one on South U. and you can place yourself far into the back of the building where you won’t be bothered by the traffic of the customers.  Similarly, Amer’s is larger than the one on South U., but with this the noise level is higher.  Boarder’s has an amazing environment.  You are able to sit in whatever genre of literature you please and do your work in peace.

Continuing in the SE direction, we come across Main St.  Again there is a Starbucks and Espresso Royal, but these are often filled with community members, thus having more potential for screaming babies. Beware!  A place that my roommates and I really enjoy is Sweetwaters Coffee and Tea.  You feel a bit more removed from campus, which alleviates some of the stress.  It is a quiet environment with yummy treats.

I have not explored Kerrytown as much as the other regions, but they too have a Sweetwaters Coffee and Tea.  If you are close to one of these locations I strongly encourage you to move your studies into this environment.

Let me know where your study hot spots are!

Sara majors in Art History and enjoys long walks.

The Rantings of a Depressed Feminist (Yikes!)

Have you ever had a day that was so horrible that the extent to which it sucked was astounding? How did you deal? Did you stuff your face with junk food and drown your sorrows in the latest episode of Grey’s Anatomy? Or did you call your friends and bitch to them about your issues? Well readers (aka my parents), this past Friday I experienced the crappiest day of my life and indulged in all the things listed above. I won’t go into the details of what caused the mental breakdown (and lack of good sense regarding the limit of cream puff intake), but suffice to say there were tears, Tiramisu, and tweed. Lots of tweed- specifically of the Chanel kind. That’s right folks- when I get bummed I do some serious window shopping. However, instead of scouring for five dollar t-shirts, I decided that a good ol’ fashion movie was in order (Key words being fashion and movie). So, chocolate in hand I made my way over to the Michigan Theater to catch a screening of “Coco before Chanel.” I went in thinking the gorgeous dresses and presumably inspirational story about a French woman creating a fashion empire would cheer me up. As usual, I was completely wrong.

I left the theater completely underwhelmed and slightly more irritated than when I had entered. Save for the gorgeous shots of the French countryside and early twentieth century French fashion, the plot lacked a consistent driving force. The film spent much of its run time of 110 minutes building up to a climactic moment that happened far too quickly for anyone to notice. It seemed as if one moment Coco was a poor orphan girl singing in sleazy bars, while the next moment she was showcasing her world famous fashions to Parisian elite. Where was the struggle? Where was the triumph? However, the lack of a steady plot wasn’t the only thing that made this movie frustrating to watch- the entire movie was painfully SLOW. So slow in fact, that at several points during the movie my friend opened up her bag, picked up her cell phone, and began surfing the internet. Just FYI to the directors, producers, etc. of feature films- it’s never a good sign when people are texting while watching your movie and contemplating how much longer this “torture session” will last.

However, if we take away all the superficial aspects of film presentation, there is a deeper, more fundamental problem with the movie “Coco before Chanel.” It was essentially a love story. Call me a pessimist, feminist, or ludicrous, but I couldn’t help but to agree with my friend when she mentioned that the entire film was basically an ode to men- specifically the men in Coco’s life. Through most of the movie, she is seen chasing after men in order to get by. In fact, it isn’t after she meets her boyfriend (more specifically the love of her life) that her career begins. It is also interesting to note that even though she does eventually succeed in her endeavors, the movie ends on a rather depressing note. The first line of the ending narration is that “Coco never married.” Is that what’s really important?! Is the institution of marriage more important than describing the maverick and visionary that Coco was?

Maybe you think I’m overreacting. Maybe I am. Maybe I am just a crazy feminazi who is overly sensitive to cultural images and stressed out from my orgo exam. Or maybe this movie is crap and perpetuates the patriarchal institutions within our society. Take an evening out of your day (hopefully not a crappy one) and see it- let me know what you think 🙂