~Sappy Daze~ Day 21

my childhood dream

i had not realized that growing fruit was a 
possibility until i laid eyes on a potted orange
tree in my parent’s friend’s house i didn’t know
growing plants indoors was possible either i was 
fascinated that trees could come in my size and a 
tree my size could already be producing fruit whenever 
i was dragged to another one of my parent’s friend’s houses 
i would always look around to see if they also had an orange 
tree or if the first tree i ever saw was just a dream

- Sappy


Sunset over the salt flats of HKC 2901 c coinciding with the rise of its sister planet over the southern mountain ranges. Much of the land is barren on 2901c, sparsely broken by jagged peaks and scrub lands, but the desolation belies a bounty of natural resources. Here, a cargo maglev races across the mirror-like surface, chasing the last glimmer of light.

~Sappy Daze~ Day 19

An Unfortunate Cookie

The only fortunes my family is okay with wasting are the fortune cookies we 
receive after we pay the bill at a Chinese restaurant. I crush them as much 
as I can until the plastic bag it’s in pops. I take out the slip of paper 
with the red ink that stamps empty promises accompanied by lucky numbers 
that were never lucky enough to win me the lottery. Then I toss the cookie 
into the decorative koi pond. I have more fun feeding them than feeding myself. 

- Sappy