5 years of comic diaries

I realized recently that this is the fifth year now I’ve been keeping a comic diary, so I thought it would be fun to look through them and see how my work has changed. Here’s one from around this time each of the last 5 years.






I’ll be back with more new comics next week! My thesis comic isĀ so close to finished, and it’s eating up all my time, but looking back always gets me excited to draw new things again.


Basil + Gideon #12: Can’t Catch A Break

Sometimes, when you live in a magical cursed forest you get sick of seeing weird stuff all the time.

Also, sometimes when you draw comics you notice that you’ve been forgetting to draw one of your main characters with the sleeping bag he was carrying around everywhere in the earlier installments and the only reason why you realize this is because you suddenly have to draw him using said sleeping bag and thereby remember that you should be referencing older comics when drawing newer ones. Funny how these things happen, huh?

Basil + Gideon is an ongoing narrative comic, if this is your first time reading check out the first installmentĀ here!