Here’s a throwback to my first post for anyone who’s been reading since then .. German is definitely going better than Vietnamese so far. And a little bit of vocab for you all as well!
Here’s a throwback to my first post for anyone who’s been reading since then .. German is definitely going better than Vietnamese so far. And a little bit of vocab for you all as well!
My girlfriend’s apartment is right between two sets of train tracks. At night, when we catch one going by in the dark, it feels like magic.
I’m trying out this 3 row page layout instead of my usual 4 row layout. I’m still fairly new to comics so I want to test different strategies for storytelling and figure out what works best for me. Not sure about this one yet, I might switch back next week, but first impressions: 3 rows means I make less panels overall than the previous layout, so the visual narrative needs to be more succinct, but I can put a little more time and detail into each panel. If anyone has a favorite comic layout or suggestions and would like to share, I’d love to hear it!
Basil + Gideon is an ongoing narrative comic, if this is your first time reading check out the first installmentĀ here!
We’ve been having really mild winter weather, so far, but every time that I walk outside and it’s snowing it reminds me of that one scene in Fellowship of the Ring where they’re scaling that mountain in the snow. I realize my experience probably isn’t universal, but hopefully that clears up what the inspiration for this comic was.
Basil + Gideon is an ongoing narrative comic, if this is your first time reading check out the first installmentĀ here!
Back to daily comics this year! Trying a new project where I keep all of my receipts and make drawings on them, in an attempt not to waste any paper and make myself draw more. (PS, my cat came back out of the floor after a couple minutes, don’t worry!)
TWO PAGES this time because I want to show you all what I’ve been working on! These are the first of 14 pages of a queer slice of life comic I’m working on calledĀ She’s So Hard, for my Narrative Forms class with Holly Hughes. I had fun working on it, but I’m not sure about the style so I’m thinking about reworking it over the break and pitching it to a local comics press. Feel free to share any feedback on how it looks!