Basil + Gideon #8: Ghost Diner

I’m trying out this 3 row page layout instead of my usual 4 row layout. I’m still fairly new to comics so I want to test different strategies for storytelling and figure out what works best for me. Not sure about this one yet, I might switch back next week, but first impressions: 3 rows means I make less panels overall than the previous layout, so the visual narrative needs to be more succinct, but I can put a little more time and detail into each panel. If anyone has a favorite comic layout or suggestions and would like to share, I’d love to hear it!

Basil + Gideon is an ongoing narrative comic, if this is your first time reading check out the first installmentĀ here!

Basil + Gideon #7: blizzard

We’ve been having really mild winter weather, so far, but every time that I walk outside and it’s snowing it reminds me of that one scene in Fellowship of the Ring where they’re scaling that mountain in the snow. I realize my experience probably isn’t universal, but hopefully that clears up what the inspiration for this comic was.

Basil + Gideon is an ongoing narrative comic, if this is your first time reading check out the first installmentĀ here!

she’s so hard (comic preview)

TWO PAGES this time because I want to show you all what I’ve been working on! These are the first of 14 pages of a queer slice of life comic I’m working on calledĀ She’s So Hard, for my Narrative Forms class with Holly Hughes. I had fun working on it, but I’m not sure about the style so I’m thinking about reworking it over the break and pitching it to a local comics press. Feel free to share any feedback on how it looks!