Fantastic! Or should I say Fantastico? “The Marriage of Figaro” went off this weekend without a hitch and proved to be an adventure through time and culture. I attended the Sunday Matinee and was absolutely amazed at the amount of talent produced by the singers, musicians, and set/ costume designers. Just amazing!
Figaro is a classic opera and perhaps one of the most famous. Music composed by Mozart himself and story written by Lorenzo da Ponte, Le Nozzi Di Figaro has traversed the centuries with pride and glory.
Attending the show, I was nervous as to how we were to understand the words, being that it was all in Italian, but I was relieved to see the way subtitles were displayed. A small, but adequate, screen presented the English translation and since many of the words were sung more than once, there was ample time to read and enjoy the performance. Anyone who fears going to an Opera here at the UofM in the future, don’t stress. They are catered for us to understand and enjoy.
The sets and costumes were beautiful done. I happen to know that talented young man that designed one of the dresses, the fabulous blue evening gown that the Countess wears for the ladder acts of the performance.

Everyone that I spoke to agreed with me when I complimented the comedic value of the performance. That is to say that it was hilarious! The audience, including myself, was laughing uncontrollably during certain twists and turns of the plot and at the fantastic satirical deliveries of various actors and actresses. One scene especially kept us going. Characters are eavesdropping constantly and the Countess and Susana play a trick on the Count and Figaro. By trading cloaks, the ladies trick the gentlemen into thinking they are each other. The men must be really stupid, but it is a great theatrical device and it was extremely funny. The things that men do behind their wives’ backs…except in this case it was the Count’s wife, he just didn’t know it. Absolutely hilarious!
As promised in my preview, I have a marvelous interview from a good friend, Nicholas Ward who played Bartolo on Nov. 14 & 15. Nick is a voice performance major who found his passion for singing as a young child. He performed in choirs and school musicals. During High School his teacher introduced him to Opera and he has been in love ever since. When asked his favorite opera singer at the moment, Nick replied “I’d say baritone Sherrill Milnes-he was really big in the 70’s and 80’s and has one of the most powerful and amazing voices I’ve ever listened to.” I asked Nick what he thought of the play, and I agree with him when he says “This show is an absolute success.” Nick is quick to hand out compliments (“Our director and conductor are such talented, knowledgeable people and really helped all the students put together a very well-known and well-loved opera.”), but he should know that he deserves just as much and more phrase. So Nick, and all of you other cast members, Fantastic Job! You are amazing!

Since I had a slight dilemma about the language barrier, I inquired whether this experience and Opera in general helps the performers better understand the Italian language. Nick responded “-yes, being a part of this opera really has helped me with my Italiano. Since there is so much recitative (a speak-singing style of dialogue), you have to be very precise with the Italian so it is clear.” My conversation with Nick proved to be a very interesting one, just like my fabulous Opera Experience. I hope to continue visiting great performances such as The Marriage of Figaro. Nick also hopes to keep going in Opera, but his plans are much more extensive. Ultimately, his goals include professional performance and voice coaching. It’s a long road, but Nick is already on his way and an abundance of talent and perseverance will help him accomplish his dreams.
Don’t fear the Opera! Try new things, buy tickets to something you’ve never heard of, try out for shows and performances, and most of all, never stay in your dorm room watching TV when there are so many things happening right outside your door. I’d like to thank Nick for answering my questions and give one last shout out to the amazing cast and crew of Le Nozzi Di Figaro! Amazing everyone, just amazing!
Danny Fob: Artist and Art Reviewer