Review: The Elixir of I’M in Love!!!

Bravo! Bravo! Bravisimo! That is what everyone has been exclaiming all weekend as they left the Power Center. The Elixir of Love, presented by the ever-brilliant School of Music, Theater, and Dance, is the first of two operas that are performed this academic year, and let me just say it was a huge success! The opera was so funny; both within the plot and the body acting of the performers. And the music…Oh the music! Italian opera is perhaps the most beautiful song form in the world.

Most people I know have never seen an opera (aside from the movie Phantom of the Opera, which doesn’t count). So when I told them I was going they were completed shocked that UofM even had operas. “Isn’t it all in Italian?” they said. Yes it is, but it doesn’t really matter. They give you a synopsis of what will be happening, character names, and even subtitles above the stage. It isn’t difficult to understand at all. Plus, with Italian opera phrases are repeated endlessly in different runs and notes, so you only need to read about a third of the show. The rest you can just listen and watch.

I love going to the Power Center. I know I say that all the time, but I really do enjoy it. There is a fair amount of leg room, you’re close enough to the stage pretty much anywhere you sit, and the performers are always genuinely excited to be on the stage performing for you.

The show starts with the curtain going up and us seeing the set for the first time. It’s a classic Italian town. The chorus and the characters come on stage and begin the performance. And then it’s two hours of laughter, smiling, and my mouth hanging open in awe of the beautiful notes coming from the mouths of the singers. Absolutely astonishing. It is truly a joy to see something come to life like this. And if only wine could work the wonders it does in this show. Or maybe a dilluted effect. Instead of everyone falling falling in love with you and wanting to get married, maybe just a date on friday night? A cup of coffee or something? Wine sales would sky-rocket! (Disclaimer :WINE DOES NOT CAUSE SPONTANEOUS LOVE OR THE SUDDEN EXISTENCE OF DATES. DO NOT CONSUME FOR THESE PURPOSES UNLESS YOU WANT TO EMBARRASS YOURSELF)

Wine is great and all, but probably not what the topic of this review should be. I would like to end it with a shout out to all of the stars of the show who were all fantastic and for the chorus who made the show possible and entertaining.

Part of the Cast for November 11&13
Part of the Cast for November 11&13

November 11 & 13, 2010

Amy Petrongelli as Adina
Kyle Matthew Knapp as Nemorino
Steven Eddy as Belcore
Nicholas Ward as Dulcamara
Ariel Halt as Giannetta

November 12 & 14, 2010

Anne Jennifer Nash as Adina
Kyle Tomlin as Nemorino
Brian Rosenblum as Belcore
Benjamin Sieverding as Dulcamara
Kristen Seikaly as Giannetta

I left the show with a wonderful feeling of happiness and contentment, and maybe a little contact love tipsyness 🙂 I hope that I’ve left you with the same.

As always,
This is Danny Fob: Artist and Art Reviewer.

Danny Fob

I'm a Junior in LSA majoring in Italian and minoring in Art History. I love writing for art[seen] because it gives me the opportunity to show all of these amazing shows that the University brings to Ann Arbor. We get some world class performers and I would be really bummed if I missed out on anything that I'll never have to opportunity to see again. What you need to know about me? I'm not a writer, an art expert, and I didn't grow up around this much culture. I am a busy student at UofM, so if you are judging me for something, it's okay because I won't have time to respond. I'll just keep seeing shows and you can be jealous!