PREVIEW: God of Carnage

It seems that my tastes of late have been very French. First I reviewed Ionesco’s Rhinocéros, and now I’m tackling Yasmina Reza, another French writer. His play God of Carnage depicts an evening involving two children’s respective parents. The action is centered around a playground scuffle between the children in a public park; the pairs of parents meet to discuss the incident in a civilized fashion. Yet as the play progresses, the parents behave more and more childishly and soon we see just how quickly their pretense of civility falls away to reveal the chaos within. I’ve been told the play is uproariously funny. Best yet, and like all Basement shows, it’s free!

What: God of Carnage

Where: Walgreen Drama Center, Studio 1

When: 7:00, tonight, October 27

For more information, visit

I would like to note that in my experience with Basement Arts, the audience isn’t as varied as it could (and should) be. I see mostly people from the theatre or musical theatre program there to support their friends, a few parents, and even fewer strangers. Basement Arts has provided free theatre to the University and its students for nearly a quarter of a century; I urge anyone who can attend this play, or future productions, to do so. Theatre is a vital part of the cultivated life, and what’s more, it’s great fun and an opportunity to get out and meet people!