The Accidentals, a quirky trio out of northern Michigan, opened tonight’s performances at The Ark. A violin, guitar, and percussive element gave way to an evening of diversion for a room full of Ann Arbor folk.
Like first stepping into a hot tub, I paused before allowing myself to fully understand and accept such a hard-to-pin-down genre as presented by The Accidentals. When I listen to a group I have never heard before, my first instinct is to liken them to a band I am already familiar with.
When I was unable to do so after the first few songs, I was puzzled yet intrigued. As their set picked up in tempo, I developed a newfound liking for their style and a respect for their distinctive sound.
Kuinka, the main act of the evening, was absolutely remarkable. Kuinka embodied all that is good in music: well-blended harmonies, stringed instruments, and a wholesome, happy energy.
I was impressed by Kuinka’s ability to pull off a quieter, acoustic, and raw sound in addition to their strong, loud, and lively numbers of the night. Their members are multitalented and, and they are a band worth your attention and time.