Collage Concert is an eclectic collection of performances representing all departments of the School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Unlike in other performances, all the acts in the Collage Concert are presented without pauses. Solo organ, dance pieces, jazz combo, theater company, choir… You name it, they’ll have it. If you are thinking of attending just one performance by SMTD this year, this is the one — it’s a night of virtuosic performances that would never fail to amaze you.
WHEN: Saturday, January 17 at 8pm
WHERE: Hill Auditorium
TICKETS: $10 with student ID; available online or in person at the League Ticket Office
Although it got off to a bit of a slow start, Fusion of Cultures soon picked up and jumped around quickly from one act to another. In an effort to keep people around until the end, the schedule of events was hidden from the audience, but I kind of liked the uncertainty, especially since I didn’t gain anything by knowing who was up next.
First of all, the food. There was a range of Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and African cuisine, and let’s just make it clear that all of it was absolutely delicious. There may be a variety of finals breakfasts and meals around campus, but this kind of food is rare and should be cherished. I drank a sweet Mango Lassi while munching on fried plantains, refried beans and hummus, to name a few of the dishes that I can remember.
Pictured: Not Dining Hall Food
The best part about the food was that it was not even the best part. We (the audience) watched a number of dance routines juxtaposed with poetry readings, videos, and even a fashion show.
Translated Poetry Reading
As I’m sure we were supposed to see, the variety of cultures that we saw were surprisingly similar. Yes the exact dance moves differed, but all of them had an invigorating, sophisticated quality that one does not normally see at a frat party.
Pictured: A typical frat party
Furthermore, the poetry read was heated, especially in the weak of recent national tragedies. It is a sad fact that much of what we heard was characterized by oppression and discrimination, but that is the truth of our world for people other than white heterosexual males.
Best of all, I think, the room was packed. This season has been especially filled with protests and anger in our society, and Fusion of Cultures was a reminder of why we want and need to celebrate diversity in the United States. Throughout the night I watched dozens of talented individuals perform for a packed room and everyone was enjoying their evening. To me, that fit perfectly with the name of the event.
Fusion of Cultures is an event where many multi-ethnic groups on campus come together and showcase different aspects of their culture.
What kinds of things will be there? Dancing, Singing, Theater, and of course FREE FOOD from around the world.
Brought to you this year by:
The African Students Association(ASA), The Arab Students Association (ASA), The Persian Students Association (PSA), The Pakistani Students Association (PSA), Michigan Pakistanis (MPak) and The Michigan Latino Assembly (MLA)!!!!!
“Jugalbandi” : the most beautiful word you’ve never heard of. The term is used most commonly to describe the tradition in Carnatic and Hindustani styles of Classical music in which two musicians perform together. But, on Friday night, the talented students of Michigan Sahana took “jugalbandi” to the next level. They extended the metaphor to include dichotomies of music and dance, show and tell, performance and education, and Indian and American, to create a unique cultural experience.
In order to replicate the authentic experience of a true Classical Indian concert which last up to 4 hours, the performance followed a carefully chosen eight-piece repertoire that interweaved both music and dance pieces by Sahana members, and demonstrate a specific role of a true Classical Indian concert. First, a Varnam, a traditional raga, was performed in its ceremonial performance-initial position. Ragas are like the structured jazz of the Americas, in that they are the melodic framework for improvisation and composition. Sitting comfortably cross-legged on cubes, the four performers began the “alaap.”
This ‘alaap’ allows the musicians to warm-up their fingers, play with the notes and rhythms within the determined pitch, and introduces the central themes of the raga. I very much enjoyed this part, especially since I knew that it was so authentic to a real classical concert, but without structure or a full ensemble playing at the given time, I felt that the warm-up went on a bit too long, as it sometimes was longer than the raga itself!
The performers throughout the show took turns teaching the audience about their style of music, which was fantastic! They shared musical terms in the original Sanskrit, counted out tricky rhythms. It was almost like we had been invited to a guest lecture, taught to us by the students themselves! It was exciting to see them talk about something that they are so passsionate about. Also, I never realized how different Eastern music theory is from the Western theory that I’ve learned in my own violin lessons.
After an impressive second act of spinning and syncopated footwork by a dancing duo, the next act was a classical interpretive dance. Dressed in traditional saris, the three young women transformed into storytellers, regaling the audience with a spiritual story involving Ganesha and Nataraja, the Lord of Dancers. Thankfully, they told us the story before the dance. Each character had a specific action or pose associated with it (just like in one of those interactive stories you might have participated in as a child, where the king is identified by his crown and you clap your hands like a gallup when the horse is mentioned). There was so much to look at – so many details that the dancers had to control. Every eyebrow raise, eye dart, neck bob, finger undulation had a meaning, and added to the character development in the dance. They moved with a floating grace about the stage. I could imagine a story unfolding in front of me.
After an hour and a half (and a ten minute intermission), the second half kicked off with another alaap to another raga. The groups maintained variety to keep the audience interested. This time, two singers were accompanied by a tabla drum and a harmonium, a portable hand-pumped organ which sounds similar to an accordion. Give a listen here to The Best Harmonium Player on YouTube!
Followed by another storytelling dance, this time about the legend of Rama and Krishna. Almost balletic in feel, each dancer poured the emotion and devotion of the story out of every hand movement and neck oscillation.
The finale was by far worth waiting for in order to see so much color, so much energy and cultural pride on that stage. Both parts of Sahana, the music and dance portions, came together to accompany each other and create a complete picture of Classical India.
This unique educating type of performance got me thinking about what a musician needs from its audience. A performer really desires an audience full of people who either really understand the depth of the music and share the love and passion of the art form, and those who may have limited exposure, but come with support and a blooming curiosity. Michigan Sahana took a very bold move and used their concert as a tool to train their audience on how to enjoy the performance, and even went so far as to further the enjoyment factor by revealing the patterns and stories behind the music and dance pieces. How many times have you been to a Shakespeare play or a band concert, and wished that you had read the summary or knew the thematic layers that structured the Sousa Symphony?
By the end, I came away with a new understanding of Sanskrit, a better idea of various Indian instruments (other than the stereotypical tabla drum and flute), and a deep appreciation for the small details that the musicians and dancers pay attention to in order to convey their cultural stories. Also, I now realized that a true Classical Indian concert was a long event – up to 3 or 4 hours. I cheer Sahana’s authenticity, but I do believe that perhaps the concert could have been a bit shorter for this present day audience who is unaccustomed to long amounts of sitting. In the future, maybe they could include an optional “educational talk” before or after the show to discuss rhythms and Classical Indian terminology to those who are truly interested. Sometimes, after a long day, patrons just want to have a good listen, be entertained, and then, go on their merry way.
Meaning “creation” in Hindi, Rachana, Michigan Sahana’s first performance of the year, will showcase Michigan students’ original choreography and skillful mastery of Indian instruments. The musical and dance sub-groups that collaboratively make up Sahana celebrate the traditional art forms of Classical India. Count the dancers’ graceful spins and wonder at their ability to avoid dizziness. Tap your toe to the percussive rhythms of the tabla, the Indian version of bongos (watch this amazing tabla video!) Indulge in a dip into Indian cultural history and power up for the rest of your Halloween night with a little sitar melody.
What: Michigan Sahana presents “Rachana” – a night of Classical Indian Music and Dance
For a student organization whose motto is “Students Helping Students,” Appreciate + Reciprocate nailed the line-up for their second annual charity variety show. The diversity of artistic talents and cultural backgrounds showcased at Autumn Fest truly was a celebration of human life. Beginning with the notorious Violin Monster, whose unique wolf mask is an inspiration to all humans and wolves alike to pluck, fiddle, and howl to their own tune, Autumn Fest raised awareness to support the talents and dreams of all people, no matter their ethnicity, their interests, or, in the Violin Monster’s case, their species!
Did you know that Michigan has its own Magicians Club? Most people don’t typically think of magic as a form of art, but to perform the trick correctly certainly takes the skill of a deft artist. Isn’t the magic of art the fact that it tricks you into thinking that it is done effortlessly? We think, ‘Van Gogh didn’t spend months on the exact expression of his Self-Portrait. Donna Tartt didn’t take 10 years to write The Goldfinch, a book we devour in 2 days. Gene Kelly didn’t work on his ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ routine 13 hours a day for 2 months.’ Likewise, the magic of art plays a part in the artistic form of Magic. Onstage, the magician brought up 2 audience members. He had them write their names on a certain playing card. Once the card was shuffled into the center of the deck, he snapped his fingers, and *poof* the signed card appeared at the top of the deck. To all of you magicians out there, this is probably very simple. But even after the magician explained his trick, I couldn’t see how he had done it. Perhaps I didn’t want to “see” because to see would be to uncover the illusion, the entertainment factor, the sense of wonderment that is art. The power of art is expressed on two levels: through those who possess the talent and can appreciate when it is performed well, and to those who have no knowledge on the skill and are simply mystified.
Next up were the beauties of the Arabian Dance Ensemble. Their exposed bellies not only sent the powerful and important message that the human body is beautiful in every shape and color, but provided the audience with the chance to fully appreciate the dance style. Set to upbeat drum rhythms, the girls moved their bellies in and out and up and down and in some ways I didn’t know were possible! And it was beautifully inspiring! The fact that a diverse group of girls could come together to celebrate a culture different from their own and most importantly, celebrate the amazing capabilities of the body is one of the greatest things about art. I highly recommend checking out the ensemble when they next perform.
The three a cappella groups were incredible, too! I listened and watched simultaneously, trying to pinpoint each layer of sound on the stage. The vocal cords of our fellow Michiganders are so strong and powerful. Each singer brought their own sound and talents to the group, and I was happy to see how each group let a new soloist take center stage for each song. The beatboxers reminded me that perhaps the human voice is the most diverse of all musical instruments. I really loved how Maize Mirchi, the South Asian a cappella group, combined 2 songs, 1 popular Western piece and 1 South Asian song, together to mix seamlessly into a melodious blend of cultures. They showed that art from all over the globe can bring people together; music is something we all have in common and can touch the human soul in its own way.
Lastly was Groove: “those guys who bang on garbage cans.” Their act celebrated the human drive for innovation, resourcefulness, and that little bit of childhood craziness that rests in our veins, waiting to leap out. Their syncopated beats and choreographed routine made my head bob and my feet drum on the floor below me. They made you want to do what they do – to be spontaneous and go wild in an act of creative freedom. They showed that you don’t need expensive equipments, tools, or supplies to be creative and artistic. You just need to tap into your inner heart and do what you love.
I am very much looking forward to next year’s Autumn Fest, and suggest that everyone explore each of these unique Michigan groups and prepare to be inspired! Perhaps, Appreciate + Reciprocate needs to change their motto to “Students Celebrating Students,” for indeed, that is what Autumn Fest accomplished.