Preview: Bill Harley is coming to town

Ok, so who is Bill Harley and what’s so special about him?

Bill Harley is a two-time Grammy Award winning storyteller and musician. This Massachusetts-based performer is famed for his use of song and story to describe the joys of growing up and family life. He is especially known for his wit and wisdom and is a prolific author. He has won a lot of other awards too- for his books, novels and concert DVDs.

He will give a free family performance at the Ark (The Ark, 316 South Main St, Ann Arbor, MI) on Sunday, November 22 at 1.00 pm.This performance is sponsored by the Ann Arbor District Library.

Later that night, there will be a show exclusively for teenagers and adults at 7.30 pm. Tickets cost $15 for this performance.

More ticket information is available on the Ark web page.

I still dig the good ol’ “Dennis the menace” and “Calvin and hobbes” comics. It is said that Bill Harvey’s show appeal to both the young and the old.

So, if you are in the mood for  some clean laugh-all-you-can good humor, this is for you. I am going to go as I think the kid in me never died.

Yours truly, Krithika, [art]seen reviewer

Arts and Incarcerated Bodies

Arts and Incarcerated Bodies

Arts and Bodies

Tuesday, November 3, 7:00pm
Stamps Auditorium
Walgreen Drama Center
1226 Murfin Avenue
North Campus

In the so-called “land of the free”, the United States of America, approximately 1 in 100 adults are currently behind bars — with emotional, psychological, intellectual, and physical effects on the individuals incarcerated. What role can the arts play in liberating the human spirit from the confinement of the body?

Prof. Buzz Alexander, Jon Deak, Janie Paul, and Josh White, Jr. will have a conversation about the work they do in the arts with prisoners, and others.

Here is a description/review of a previous arts event (from last Winter) at UM that also had to do with art and incarceration.

Below are some data showing the current state of the prison-industrial complex in the USA.

