PREVIEW: Audra McDonald and the University Symphony Orchestra

I could rattle off a laundry list of Audra McDonald’s (very numerous) accomplishments, but those can be Googled in an instant. Instead, I want to say that I have admired Audra McDonald’s work for a very long time. I was first introduced to her when a friend of mine sang “I Don’t Mind”, which appears on Audra’s 2000 album, How Glory Goes. I was instantly hooked. You can imagine, then, my excitement when I learned she was coming here, then as now.

The fall before last, the entire Musical Theatre department was abuzz with the news that Audra McDonald, the Audra McDonald, was to perform in our very own Hill Auditorium. Due to the generosity of two members of the Friends of Musical Theatre, the department was able not only to obtain prime seats, but also to attend a quick talk-back with Audra herself shortly before the performance, strictly for the department. We were all blown away at her generosity of spirit and her candor. Then, of course, we were blown away again by her astonishing performance. She combines soaring vocal prowess with unqualified honesty and depth, and is a relatable stage presence, garnering laughs and tears in equal measure. Everyone in Hill Auditorium that night knew they had just witnessed something very special. If you ask any musical theatre major who was there (and most probably, any other person), I have no doubt that they would tell you that that concert changed their life. It certainly changed mine.

If you see no other performance this year, see Audra McDonald. She is one of the most sensational performers alive today.

It’s time to welcome Audra and her long-time accompanist and music director, Andy Einhorn, back to Michigan.

PREVIEW: Audra McDonald this Sunday!!

Returning to UMS for the fifth time, Audra McDonald performs this Sunday, September 15 at 4 pm in Hill Auditorium. She brings a repertoire filled with Broadway classics and in particular, a special attention paid to the works of Gershwin, having just finished her time in Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess. What do I love most about Audra McDonald? She has wicked pipes and a vibrant personality that makes for a stunning performance experience, sure to make any music-lover, Broadway-fanatic or not, giddy with delight. Not to be missed!

PREVIEW: Friars’ Concert

One of the University of Michigan’s most beloved a cappella groups, the Friars will present their 57th annual Best Concert Ever, Friday April 19th, 8pm in Rackham Auditorium. Wowing us with their vocals, humor, and terrible dance moves, I’m sure they will not disappoint. Tickets are $5 for students, $10 for adults. Hope to see you there!!

PREVIEW: Julian Allen Senior Recital

Julian Allen Senior Recital

It’s recital season. This means that every venue in Ann Arbor is jam packed with parents, friends, and artistic talent on any given day of the month. On Saturday April 27th, The Yellow Barn hosts the Julian Allen Senior Recital. A musician in the School of Music, this performance will feature original music and lyrics by Julian Allen and multi-media collaboration with local artists. Both jazz and electronic, vocals and rap, this dynamic and varied recital will explore a number of themes, techniques, and messages. In conjunction with Dance BFA student Julia Smith-Eppsteiner, local hip-hop artists Tree City and Kadence, and a number of U-M School of Music students and alum, this performance will run the gamut of Ann Arbor talent. The show starts at 6 pm. The Yellow Barn is located on 416 W. Huron Street. See you there!

REVIEW: UMGASS presents Pirates of Penzance or, The Slave of Duty

Friday night, I had the privilege of seeing UMGASS’s presentation of Pirates of Penzance, or The Slave of Duty. It was such a great show – whimsical, cheery, and largely optimistic, I am officially an avid fan of UMGASS and the work that they do.

The play itself was actually pretty similar to what I was expecting for my first Gilbert and Sullivan show. The humor worked on so many levels. There was, of course, the absurdity of pirates in this bizarre setting in Cornwall, the main character Frederic having an identity crisis and wondering what a “true beautiful woman is” when all he has known is his charming yet elderly guardian Ruth, and of course who could forget the Major-General, an attested genius who asserts the depth of his knowledge while insulting his own at the same time. The whole concept is absolutely crazy.

The other operating level of humor was of course that of intellectually-based, political satire. Beginning with a rendition of “God Save the Queen,” audience participation insisted, we are immediately placed in a time period where everyone respects, yet mocks the queen to which they serve. Not to mention the lyrics of the songs are all at once brilliant and thought-provoking. It is almost too much to see it once and understand all that is going on in the show.

Job well done to the fine folks at UMGASS – can’t wait for what’s next!

REVIEW: UM Men’s Glee Club Spring Concert

As always, UMMGC left it all on the stage last night at their Spring Concert in Hill Auditorium. The performance was spectacular and their director, Dr. Eugene Rogers, should be thoroughly congratulated for a job well done. The precision with which those men perform is absolutely admirable. While I was listening, I couldn’t help but remark how all of their faces expressed so much joy in being on stage and performing with their fellow clubbers. It was fantastic.

A distinct highlight of last night’s performance was the Friar’s performance just after intermission. The Friar’s is the Men’s Glee Club’s a cappella group, a small, auditioned subset of the larger group. They wowed us away with their utter hilarity and charm – I know I wasn’t the only girl swooning when they hit those high notes.

My favorite song of the night by far was the Harriet Tubman song in the second half. A spiritual crying, “Harriet Tubman didn’t take no stuff!” – it was uplifting, inspiring, and, in my opinion, an accurate portrayal of the amazingly courageous woman she was. They had Robert Hurst, renown bassist and professor at the UM School of Music, Theatre, & Dance, play on the bass alongside a fantastically rhythmic drummer. It was absolutely awesome.

Job well done to the Men last night of UMMGC and (shameless plug) if you liked what you saw last night, be sure to check out the UM Women’s Glee Club, Sunday April 21st at 4pm, Hill Aud as well as the upcoming Friar’s concert next Friday.