Postcards Inspired by Wes Anderson Movies

I’m a huge fan of Wes Anderson movies. The humorous dialogue, quirky characters, gorgeous cinematography all combine to make a memorable, unique film experience. There is an abundance of Wes Anderson inspired fan art and posters, but I wanted to add my own spin on Wes Anderson. Last semester, I utilized my illustration skills and love for Wes Anderson movies to create a set of three postcards featuring settings from The Life Aquatic, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Grand Budapest Hotel. I’ve even sent a couple to friends! Hope you enjoy.

The Life Aquatic


Moonrise Kingdom


The Grand Budapest Hotel




Student at the University of Michigan studying Art & Design and Communication & Media, hoping to create meaningful design for social impact. Every week I highlight an intriguing artist (or group of artists)!

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1 Comment on "Postcards Inspired by Wes Anderson Movies"

4 years 8 months ago

What do you think is so appealing about this style? Is it nostalgia? Symmetry? A sense of perfection? I’m really curious how well this aesthetic translates across non-American cultures, too.
These are super cute by the way- Just trying to put my finger on their appeal.