Study Hal: Week 32 – Workout Routine

Staying physically active is hard, especially being at home all the time, and especially with all this snow. Being so sedentary sparked Hal to make a change! He found a workout game to follow and started off strong… But, he didn’t consider how hard it would get after just a few minutes! He’s still resting. He says he’ll sleep it off.

In spite of online classes, I hope you’re taking time to move your body. Don’t be like Hal, though – start small and make some little changes! Even if it’s an extra trip up the stairs, it makes a difference when you spend all day at a desk. And don’t forget to stretch! It’s helpful even if you haven’t done so many squats that you fell over.

If you’re new here, welcome! Hal is back every week with his experiences studying at U-M from home his senior year. Check back next Tuesday for a new video, or check out theĀ Study Hal tag for the archives.

Leila Mullison

Hey there! I'm a senior at Stamps specializing in stop-motion animation. My video series is about Hal, a U-M student taking remote classes from his childhood home. Find it by searching "Study Hal"! While you're at it, check out my Instagram: @lrmull.

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1 Comment on "Study Hal: Week 32 – Workout Routine"

4 years 1 month ago

Pretty sure this is based on me