In light of a very stressful week for me full of exams and papers, I thought that I would do a short and sweet post today sharing with all of you another incredible artist that I found. Enjoy!
Hannah Jensen is a multidisciplinary artist most well-known for her carved work. She achieves her incredibly unique and bespoke artwork by applying layers of paint to a board before using printmaking carving techniques to create breathtaking renderings. The resulting artwork features images rendered in negative relief that emphasizes tonality between the different layers of paint she uses. Jensen uses anywhere from 40 – 80 layers of paint for each one of her carvings, creating pieces so deeply right in color and texture.

As someone who has dabbled in printmaking, as shown in the image to the right, and absolutely obsessed with the process, the moment I saw Jensen’s work I was in love. I hope to spread this same beauty and love with all of you! Especially in times such as these where I am sure many of you are stressed and feeling the strains of online classes and COVID-19, I wanted to take a moment to share some art that made me smile. I have linked Hannah Jensen’s Instagram below and some of her incredible work here as well. Please feel free to check her out!
As always, if anything that I discussed in this post stood out or if any questions arise please feel free to comment and share your thoughts.
~ Riya
Personal website: https://riyarts.weebly.com/
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