Academia Jukebox: Pluto Projector

There were a lot of lines I related to in Rex Orange County’s Pluto Projector, I had a hard time deciding on a set of lyrics to visualize! Though it’s likely that Alex O’Connor wrote this piece about his emotions as a growing artist in the industry, I think it can be applied to anyone who has worries or doubts about their current life path. I’ve met people here who seem to have their entire life figured out- they’re confident in what they want to study, they’re passionate about their future aspirations, they’re on top of classes- when I start comparing myself to others it’s easy to feel behind. I’m sure some of you relate to this too. But it’s important to remember that everyone goes at their own pace! I know I don’t understand myself fully yet, but I trust with time things will all work out.


Thi Mai is a junior majoring in biology, health & society. They love making digital art and comics, and want to start expanding into animation. This semester, they are working towards completing an animated short film. Check out "Frame by Frame" every Sunday night for progress updates and reflection on the process! You can find more of their work on their Tumblr blog:

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