The squirrel hauls a belly sash 

of acorns, the shoes scuff, and 

any of these faces might kiss 

the sun for its newfound shine.

Their song is ringing.

Round the marble cracks and slim

branches, each singing a melody of 

buds, though winter teases, winter

teases. Still, there is ease in this.

There, song is ringing. 


The diag scuttles plain as day, the

students crustaceans swarming at

the decay, coming out of shells to 

pincer the waking world. Shhhh- 

They’re a song, ringing. 

Thomas Griffith

Thomas Griffith, a Yooper turned Wisconsinite turned Wolverine, is a midwestern poet studying Creative Writing and Literature and Political Science. Thomas often finds himself ensnared by the little things, for better or worse, and spends hours finding ways to intertwine these marginal observations with midwestern imagery. No, Thomas does not have a Yooper accent. Yes, Thomas swears Frank Ocean is a poet as much as he is a musician. Thomas' section, "Pondering Ann", seeks to encapsulate the conscious interaction between mind and self within Ann Arbor, offering a glimpse into the momentous intersections of thought and present reality. If he could capture his work in one phrase or sentiment, it would be: "Live a little, but do it in Ann Arbor".

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