ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]
FE-EC3 * a distress signal. (come/c’mon) check over here.
FE-EC3 yes. (tune/turn) up the V-H-F.
FE-EC3 yes sir.
FE-EC3 okay. detecting transmission now–
FE-MC1-VHF mayday mayday mayday– this is Mariner Crew-1– sustained critical systems damage due to debris collision– evacuation requested, no propulsive power. mayday mayday mayday– this is Mariner Crew-1– sustained critical systems damage—
FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 this is Eureka Crew-3 [ident code redacted] responding to distress call. do you read?
FE-MC1-VHF Mariner Crew-1 to Eureka Crew-3 reads loud and clear.
FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 this is Eureka Crew-3– who is speaking?
FE-MC1-VHF this is Flight Engineer @FE-MC1 of Mariner Crew-1.
FE-EC3-VHF Eureka Crew-3 copies. Mariner Crew-1 what is your current location and crew status?
FE-MC1-VHF location sector gamma-four. original flight path on VICTOR route– about three light-seconds out from waypoint two– deviation of 321-056-010. we had an hull breach– space debris collision– we lost propulsive power and life support systems sustained critical damage. @CDR-MC1 and @MS-MC1 are incapacitated– they’re in cryo now. One fatality– we lost @PLS-MC1 to injuries suffered during initial collision.
FE-EC3-VHF Eureka Crew-3 copies. will relay information to commander @CDR-EC3.
FE-EC3 sir– yes. yup.
FE-EC3 mhm. okay.
FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 Eureka Crew-3– commander @CDR-EC3 is currently contacting Mission Control for clearance– hold tight.
FE-MC1-VHF roger.
ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]
FE-MC1-VHF Eureka Crew-3– this is Mariner Crew-1. do you have an estimated response time?
FE-MC1-VHF Eureka Crew-3 do you copy?
FE-EC3-VHF Eureka Crew-3 copies. apologies for the delay. response approval still in progress.
FE-MC1-VHF copy that.
ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]
FE-MC1-VHF Eureka Crew-3 Mariner Crew-1. I uh– I have a personal request.
FE-EC3-VHF go ahead.
FE-MC1-VHF can Eureka Crew-3 stay on the line?
FE-EC3-VHF negatory– comms must remain clear.
FE-MC1-VHF Mariner Crew-1 acknowledges.
ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]
FE-EC3-VHF Eureka Crew-3 will try our best in the meantime.
FE-MC1-VHF acknowledged– thank you very much.
FE-MC1-VHF I’m routing (the signal) through the handheld * * can * carry *.
? * * [Static and rustling noises obscure the rest of the message from FE-MC1.]
FE-MC1-VHF * Mariner Crew-1, radio check?
FE-EC3-VHF good and readable.
FE-MC1-VHF hmm. [further rustling noises, likely FE-MC1 tweaking the handheld radio.]
FE-MC1-VHF radio check?
FE-EC3-VHF loud and clear.
FE-MC1-VHF alright.
FE-EC3 understood.
FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 if Eureka Crew-3 deviates from current route– E-T-A will be approximately one-three hours.
FE-MC1-VHF confirm E-T-A one-three hours?
FE-MC1-VHF affirmative.
FE-MC1-VHF copy. okay.
FE-MC1-VHF I’m going to go check on the hydroponics systems.
FE-EC3-VHF acknowledged. Eureka Crew-3 will keep you updated.
FE-MC1-VHF thanks.
FE-EC3 one-three hours? Okay.
FE-MC1-VHF ah– yeah– hydroponics lost power too.
FE-EC3 I’ll pass it on.
FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 we are now diverting to your location. E-T-A one-three-point-four hours.
FE-MC1-VHF copy– one-three-point-four hours. thank you very much.
FE-MC1-VHF Eureka Crew-3 who am I speaking to?
FE-EC3-VHF this is @FE-EC3.
FE-MC1-VHF is this your first emergency response?
FE-EC3-VHF affirmative… first long-duration flight too– actually.
FE-MC1-VHF (well/wow) isn’t that exciting– congrats.
FE-EC3-VHF thank you.
FE-MC1-VHF ever been to the (Hub) near Station Foxtrot? the one in Sector Gamma-One– I mean.
FE-EC3-VHF I have not.
FE-MC1-VHF it’s got (these/those) big crystal gardens. absolutely lovely.
FE-EC3-VHF I’m sure they are quite a sight.
FE-MC1-VHF mhmm. they’re all (natural from) a formation harvested from– harvested from one of the comets way out * *.
FE-MC1-VHF sorry (man/ma’am)– I’m rambling. it’s been so quiet here. honestly…
FE-EC3-VHF it’s okay.
ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]
FE-EC3-VHF @FE-MC1? you– uhh– like animals?
FE-MC1-VHF yeah. no pets– unfortunately– you know the life. [brief laughter.]
FE-EC3-VHF I get it. I like dogs– especially the big fluffy ones. never pet one before though.
FE-MC1-VHF never? wow. you’re missing out.
FE-MC1-VHF tell you what– tell you what– if we get to meet up off-duty I’m gonna buy you tickets to a– I dunno. a petting zoo or something. a space petting zoo.
FE-EC3-VHF ha.
FE-MC1-VHF was that too forward of me?
FE-EC3-VHF no– no. you’re fine.
ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]
FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1. Eureka Crew-3. do you read?
FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 do you read?
FE-MC1-VHF Crew-1 reads. [spoken softly]
FE-MC1-VHF [sound of low intensity electronic beeping.]
FE-EC3-VHF Eureka three to Mariner one– our E-T-A is one-one hours. what is your status?
FE-MC1-VHF checked the auxiliary hold again– airlock two… completely compromised. backup generator blown… but main * * * [signal noise masks FE-MC1]
FE-EC3-VHF say again?
FE-MC1-VHF backup generator blown. main power seems to be holding steady now.
FE-EC3-VHF life support systems status?
FE-MC1-VHF couldn’t fix it. still (critical).
FE-EC3-VHF oxygen levels?
FE-MC1-VHF uhh– *. probably enough.
FE-EC3-VHF professional estimate. please.
FE-MC1-VHF mmm. for two people in cryo– (for/four) hours. maybe. * losing cabin pressure faster than I thought though.
FE-EC3-VHF I’m sorry.
FE-MC1-VHF ’s not your fault.
FE-EC3-VHF we should have—
FE-MC1-VHF like I said– it’s not your fault. I’m amazed * * * the call at all seeing as we’re in the middle of # nowhere. I would ask for forgiveness– * not that sorry for being selfish.
FE-MC1-VHF [sound similar to low oxygen warning activating.]
FE-EC3-VHF so you knew.
FE-MC1-VHF I had hoped. well. that at least my crewmates can make it out.
VO2 avg awake = 12.0 mL/kg/min = 720 mL/kg/hr
VO2 min asleep = 3.0 mL/kg/min = 180 mL/kg/hr
2 people (180 mL/kg/hr * 4 hr) = 1440 mL/kg
1440 mL/kg / 720 mL/kg/hr = 2 hr (1 person)
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