Chroma #6

It’s almost time for our 5 day break, before we get right into finals! I hope everyone will take some time to relax. In the mean time, I was able finish the WIP I posted last week, with this palette:

As mentioned in my last post, this illustration was based off of chīwěn (蚩吻), one of the nine sons of the Dragon King in traditional Chinese mythology. I wanted to add a very colorful background to match with the woman in the foreground, and I’m pretty satisfied with the results! This method of shading is something I’m less familiar with, but I always like trying different drawing styles.


hey! i'm dai, a CS sophomore looking to (hopefully) double minor in APIA studies and Art and Design. i'm a mainly digital artist who loves color and wants to improve and expand on my coloring abilities. in my current series “Chroma”, i'll generate a new color palette each week using a randomized color palette generator, and then create an illustration based off it. along the way, i hope to capture the creative process of my art, as well as the different gradients of life. enjoy!

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