I’ve split these lyrics into two posts, the part 2 will be out next week! The lyrics I used are from the song “Obsession” by The Cairos. The full verse is: “For no reason at all/ I moved through all I could/ unsuspected at all/ I spied but found no haunt/ well it’s just as complex as I thought/ and I’m so unsatisfied” I interpreted this song as an ambitious person trying to understand what it is they’re actually chasing, and what the point of their obsession is. Visualizing this verse, I wanted to show the character climbing higher and higher in a forest for seemingly no reason. They just believe it’s what they should be doing. They decide to watch others as they make their way through the same forest. In comparison, their path looks easier. In the next part I’ll be showing that the other path is just as complex as the climb, with no reason behind their trek either. The last line will show the character’s confusion with all that’s going on, unable to see the end of any of it, “and I’m so unsatisfied.”

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