A Day In Our Lives #24

Hey guys!
This week I thought I’d show you a different form of art that I am learning about here on campus. It is one of my passions and I spend hours of time at home every day working on my skills in it. It is fibers and textiles! At Stamps, I am in the pursuit of learning all about fibers and textiles in sculpture form. I create soft sculptures that mimic stuffed animals, and I create clothing from my fiber art. I like them to be brightly colored, funky, and sculptural in form. I have a lot of fun when I create my fiber arts. Weaving on the loom, pictured below, is the most time-consuming of the different skills I know. I know how to crochet, embroider, sew (on the machine and by hand) dye fabric and yarns, knit, tapestry, and many more. I hope you all like it!

See you next week



Marissa Woods is a fourth-year student at Penny W Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. Second-year writing for Arts, Ink, Marissa is focusing on documenting her fiber arts journey, through Fiber Fridays. Marissa is pursuing a minor in Geology and would like to pursue grad school to eventually become an art professor.

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